Ch 3: I'm Sorry

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Many of the guests began arriving at the venue for Mr.Choi's birthday celebration. Him and his wife stood at the entrance to the seating area and welcomed guests. All the guests would congratulate him on another successful year and he had a fake smile plastered in his face. Many even commented on how beautiful and elegant his wife was and she was on cloud 9 from the flattery. The gift pyramid kept getting taller and he just got more upset since he did not see the boy coming. When he got tired of standing he excused himself and went to get a drink. He was furious, he had been stood up. He drank a glass of wine and got back to his wife. When it seemed like all of the guests had arrived he went to his table, there he sat with his wife, parents, and parents in law. They ate dinner and it seemed like everybody was having a good time. Well everyone except him.

It was time for him to give his presentation, he got on the stage and grabbed a microphone. He looked at the crowd scanning the faces to verify one last time that Taemin wasn't there. He sighed and began to flip through the slides of the achievements of his last year. People applauded and he continued to show pictures. Then came the finale, he thanked all of his employees and his wife for being there for him. Everyone clapped and he was down with the presentation. He had planned to say a special thank you to Taemin for making the slideshow, but for him not to be there to see it made it pointless. He got off the stage not just mad, but disappointed. He wanted to be alone but he knew that he had to stay at the party. His phone began to vibrate in his pocket and he answered it. "Hello?" He said. "Mr.Choi, I'm a nurse at the Seoul Hospital and you were on Mr.Lee's emergency contact list so we wanted to let you know that his house caught fire and he is at the hospital right now" said the person on the other line.

His heart stopped, all this time he had been angry thinking that Taemin hadn't wanted to come to the party, and he was going through such a difficult time. "Is he ok?" Minho said, worry in his tone. "Well he is going to live, but he lost consciousness from breathing in too much smoke and suffered a slight burn on his back. He's been unconscious ever since he was brought here" she said. "I'll be there soon" he said hanging up. He then rushed to his car. He could hear his wife calling his name but at that moment his precious Taemin was more important. He got in his Lamborghini and raced to the hospital. He ran in and rushed to the front desk, out of breath he said "Lee Taemin, where is he?" And then the nurse told him the room number and the floor. He rushed in to the elevator, and each second felt too long. The elevator door opened on floor 8 where the boy was and Taemin jogged to his room. He got to the door and stood outside of it collecting himself. He opened the door quietly, not wanting to disturb the sleeping Taemin. He went in and saw him. His hair was drenched in sweat and some ashes covered his white skin. He looked so helpless in his sleeping form that all Minho wanted to do was hold him and never let him go. He then felt his phone vibrate again. He looked at it and saw all the missed calls and messages from his wife. He turned his phone off. She was not the priority right now. He sat beside the sleeping brunette and looked at his beautiful pale face. "Taeminah I'm here for you" he said and without thinking he kissed the boy's forehead. "Minho" he heard the boy whisper. His eyes were still closed. Minho couldn't help but smile after hearing those words. That's when the boy awoke and his eyes were met with the handsome mans face.

"Where am I?" Were the first words he had spoken. "You're at a hospital Taemin, your house um- well your house burned down" he said and there was pity in his voice. Taemins eyes looked pained as all he could remember was falling and the smoke clouding his head and vision. He couldn't remember anything else about what had happened. This caused him so much frustration that he began to cry. Minho didn't know what to do so he just held the boy. He brushed his hand through the brunettes hair slowly and he rocked him back and forth. "Minho, did I miss your party?" He said and he looked into the elders eyes. Minho said "Taemin my party doesn't matter, all that matters is that you're ok" he said and this couldn't be more true. He could care less about all of those people that were just friends with him for his money. Even his wife had only married him for that reason. He genuinely felt like Taemin was one of the only people that actually cared for him. "Minho, I'm so sorry I was late to your reahearsal, I don't remember what happened" Taemin said holding his head. All of the afternoon was a blur and he couldn't remember what had happened. "Taemin I don't care about that party, I'm just glad your injuries weren't worse" he said smiling to try and comfort the boy. "Well I guess now I'm homeless" Taemin said, it hadn't meant to come out, he quickly covered his mouth. Minho looked at the pained eyes that Taemin had and he just felt like he had to do something. In that moment his wife came in through the door. "Taeminah I heard what happened, are you ok?" She asked the boy. All Taemin did was nod. "I'm so sorry that had to happen to you" she said shaking bear head slightly. "Minho, you should lend him some money so he can rebuild a home, or maybe to stay at an apartment for now" she said. Taemin shook his head "Mr.Choi i do need a loan but I'll get it from the bank, I've been enough of a bother for you today" he said. "Nonsense Taemin, I'll lend you wahatver you need, and this way you won't have to pay interest" he said smiling. "I seriously can't accept that sir" he said already feeling bad for messing up his birthday. "Or how about you stay with us" Mrs.Choi said. Again Tamein shook his head "I do not want to bother you any further than I have today" he said. "I don't care what you say Taemin, you are staying with us and it is final" Mrs.Choi said. "But" he tried to reject the offer but that was the last word. From now on Taemin would be staying with the Choi's.

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