Chapter 1: Unplanned

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I slowly awoken when I started sensing the light coming through the window. With the upstairs neighbors seeming like they have the heaviest feet and heaviest chairs, I slowly opened my eyes. Through the night, I turned my front towards the couch to maintain more heat. As I laid there silently complaining about the day ahead, my hearing seemed to get even more sensitive as I closely heard a chair being moved, the sink being used, and an almost inaudible clink of silverwares and plate. 

Confused, I sat up in alert. "Who's there?" I asked loudly and with my mouth dry, my voice seemed to husky then broke off at the end. Clearing my throat, I quickly got up and grabbed the empty mug that contained a little succulent plant in it. Looking at the plant, I couldn't help but feel sad a little. I'm sorry little buddy, but please my life if I end up throwing you at someone if there are people in my apartment. 

"Is anyone in here?" I asked again as I creeped towards the small kitchen. "Ava, is that you?" I asked as I became more relaxed knowing that Ava is back, but frustration started boiling inside of me as I thought of last night. As I walked in the kitchen, I was met with a pair of green eyes. 

"Wh-who are you? What are you doing in my kitchen?" I stammered as I raised my mug a form of weapon. The man trailed his eyes down to the mug and looked at it confused. "Answer me or else I'm calling the cops!" I said as I started feeling nervous. Seeing as he stayed silent staring at the mug, I looked around on what else he did in the kitchen. He seemed to have cooked seeing as a pan, a knife, and a couple other dishes were still dripping on the dish rack. I looked back at him and he was now looking back at me. Why does he look familiar? Is he here to kick me out? 

Gaining a little more possessive of my apartment, I stepped in front of him not putting down my mug and glared at him. "For your information, I still have one more day until I have to move. If you're here to kick me out, I have the right to call the cops on you for breaking and entering and for harassment on my property." I told him as I looked down at him. With my last step, he looked back up at me and those green eyes hardened. 

"Do not talk to me like that, moya doch." he said as he straightened himself in his seat. His deep voice and accent took me by surprise. Watching my shocked face, he leaned back in his chair crossing his arm and his face softening but still held its words. 

"Did you just call me stupid?" was the first thing I let out before I gasped. "Get out of my apartment. Now." I said with my mug still hanging in the air. Being this close to him, I got a closer look at him. He couldn't be the landlord's son. He definitely wouldn't be the husband or brother seeing as my landlord is a straight, pure African-American and as rich as my landlord is, there's no way my landlord would be the type of person to be anyone's sugar daddy. 

"You're too old to be my landlord's son. He isn't gay and he doesn't waste his money letting someone else use his hard earned income in keeping this place clean and tidy to waste." I said. "Who are you?" He didn't seem bothered that I was pointing a mug at him nor fazed that I am interrogating him. I looked him more closely. His dark hair is down as if he let his hair air dry after a shower. He has a full beard going but it wasn't full to where I could pull on it and use it as an advantage to hurt him. With full brows and and a couple scars laying on his right temple, I took as step back with my frown never softening. I looked at him harder and his face seemed to have fully become softer. His face isn't giving anything away but I could tell with the light in his eyes that he was enjoying himself. 

"Moya doch," he started saying as he stood up from his chair. I was about to tell him to stop calling me stupid but as soon as he was fully standing, my words got caught in my mouth. Here in front of me stood a man who shared the same shade of eyes as my grandpa. He was taller and seemed more built as his long sleeved baseball shirt stretched out with is every breath.

"Who...are you?" I asked in a small voice as was slowly raising my mug up so that I was pointing to his face but I seemed to have been too caught up with the fact that this man shared the same eyes as my grandpa. He stared at me even more as he took a deep breath and held out his hand to grab the mug that was in the air. 

"I'm Dominique VanAdeely." What? VanAdeely? "I'm your father." He let out with a sigh. Father? Is this guy joking? Letting out a sad laugh as I shook my head, I looked at him and turned around back to the living room to grab my phone and call the cops.

"Wow, you're funny," I said as I went for my phone laying on the ottoman. Ready to dial 911, my phone then decided to go low battery on me. Crap! Nervously looking around trying to look busy, I looked around for a better weapon to use. I don't have a bat or a club. There's a vase, but it's too light and hallow. A fake vine hanging across the room. I could use that to tie him up, but it's too weak to hold off a must alar guy like him. Hearing footsteps coming into the living room, I turned around as I stepped as far away as I could from the man.

"I can crack a joke...some times...but," he says as I notice his demeanor take a shift, "I'm not trying to be funny right now." He says through a straight face. I opened my mouth but closed it back up as I could only look at him. He had the same cheekbones as gramps and the same green eyes. I could see the similarities,  but I don't see ours. With my fairly tan skin, my thick black hair, dark eyes, and standing at 5'4", I'm the complete opposite of him. He regaled in a muscular body easily towering the tv sitting on the tv stand. He could be a dad, he could be related to gramps, but even if he is, I don't trust him. 

"I don't believe you, and even if that is the truth, what are you doing here? Why are you here? Where's gramps?" I asked as I borrowed my brows. I still haven't gotten my morning water yet. I tried to glare at him but all I could think about was how wrong of a timing this was. Here he was standing in front of me watching me lose my time until I get kicked out. Ava is missing still, I have to find a new place, and I've yet to call in from work this morning, but I'm too scared to move pass him to my room to get a charger. Pathetic. "Why are you here?" I asked again as I rubbed my eyes.

"He's at the hospital." He finally said as I looked up with wide eyes. "He sent me to get you.'"

**Still under editing!! I decided to heavily edit because I started this back when I was in 8th grade and a lot of reading really had my mind going in different directions.**

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