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Once upon a time, Juniper was the nicest girl Meera had ever known. She was incredibly sweet, and kind, and loyal. Don't get it wrong, Juniper is still all three of those thing, but Meera found out that her sweetness is actually just for the people she doesn't know. Honestly, though, it isn't that bad of a thing. She'd probably get annoyed if Juniper were that nice all the time.

However, sometimes it'd be greatly appreciated. Like right now, as Juniper throws probably the sixty-seventh article of clothing Meera's way. This one is another sexy and black number that stops mid-thigh, with a plunging v-neck and straps so thin they look like they'll just fall apart in the next second with no prompting whatsoever.

"That one's hot," Juniper smirks with a cocked brow. "If you wear that, I'll give it to you."

"And then what'll I do with it? As if Amma would let me leave my room with this on."

"Be a teenager! Live a little!"

"I can be a teenager and live a little in jeans, just fine."



Juniper shrugs. "I mean, I just wanted to dress up a little with my best friend in case I see the girl who broke my heart. But, I guess not."

"First of all, you broke up with her. Second of all, I'm wearing tights and a turtleneck with this and that's that. It's literally twenty below outside, and I don't want pneumonia, thankyouverymuch."

Juniper grins the hugest, most heart-stopping grin, and Meera sees why Danni can't stop letting herself come back to this girl. Anyone would do anything just to see that smile. Danni probably has done some questionable things to see it.

Meera is completely sure that she had texted Floyd the details for where the party is being held at, but she hasn't seen him yet. She tries to distract herself with the Coke can in her hand that she is sipping on purely because Juniper is sipping on something that definitely isn't Coke. Someone needs to stay sober tonight, and there is no chance of it being the heartbroken one. There never is.

Meera catches herself scanning the room again. It is stuffy in here; the heater is on to compensate for the freezing cold outside, and in addition, there are around thirty people in the living room. Some dance in the middle, but most are clumped into groups around the edge. Some boy jumps onto the coffee table and rips his t-shirt off before chugging a beer, one hand raised in the air as if he's a winner. No one pays him any attention. Meera blinks away.

"Meera," Juniper says, already sluggish in her movements. She smiles lazily. "Meera."


"You have to help me get wasted tonight. Alright?"

"Alright, Juniper."

Then someone taps on Meera's left shoulder and her eyes widen in anticipation. Her heart beats rapidly as she turns, but it's just Theo standing behind her, one hand shoved in his jeans' pocket, the other holding a plastic cup.

"Oh, hey," says Meera, trying not to express her disappointment.

"Whoa, hey, control your excitement to see me, please. Jeez." Theo smirks, then leans against the doorjamb beside him. "What are you doing here?"

"Juniper and Danni broke up again."

"Oh, I'm sorry," he frowns at Juniper, who whoops and holds her own cup up.

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