Chapter 9

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Natsu POV

After that horrible boat ride back to the mainland I was so pukey the others decided a train ride would be bad. So, much to my joy, we decided to walk back to Dwarf Gear. The walk back took us through a small town. A familiar smell wafted through my nostrils.

I sniffed deeper.

“What do you smell?” Gray asked.

“Tattoo face.” I respond.

Gray thought for a moment. “You mean Jellal?”

I nodd. Crouching down I follow the scent trail to the source.

Jellal was humming to himself as he stood inside a shop baking tarts.

“Smells good.” I say popping into his view.

Jellal jumps and the tray of tarts clashes to the ground.

“Aw, you just wasted perfectly good food.” I sniffed the air again. “And it's strawberry too. Erza would have your head. Which is saying something since Erza likes you better than the rest of us. Well I can't let this food go to waste.” I crouch down and grab one of the tarts which I promptly shoved into my mouth.

“Who are you?” Jellal asked.

“Who's gonna tell the story this time?” Lyon asked.


Lucy POV

Levy pulls me into the Dwarf Gear guild. I spotted many familiar faces and almost felt at home until…

“Sniff, sniff. You have a lovely perfume.” a voice says sniffing my neck.

“Hiya!” I screamed. “Lucy kick!” I sent Ichiya flying across the room.

“Wow you have an amazing kick. But never fear you won't have to raise a finger as I protect you.” An arm was placed around my shoulders. The motion caused my key ring to jangle. “Are those celestial spirit keys? Well I guess I'll be going.” Loke tried to dash away but I grabbed his collar.

“Loke, or should I say, Leo the Lion, Where do you think you are going?” I demand.

“H-how did y-you know?” Loke sweatdropped.

“Levy, I have to petition with the celestial spirit king about something. I'll be right back.” I drag Loke out the door.


Gray POV

“I can't believe I was evil for a time.” Jellal said.

“Well really you were just possessed.” I respond.

“Wait, is this the guy that got possessed by Ultear?” Lyon asked.

“Yup.” Natsu said popping his P's.

“But Ultear wasn't all that bad either.” I defend.

“Don't worry. In their other timeline I spent some time being evil too.” Lyon said.

“Who else was evil and changed their ways?” Jellal asked.

I start my list.“Well there's all you guys, Gajeel, Juvia-”

“Juvia was evil?” Juvia asked.

“Not evil, antagonist.” Juvia's eyes fill with tears. “But don't worry! You became good by the end of our battle.” I try to cheat her up.

“Anyways.” Continued Natsu. “There was also Laxus, Meredy, basically all of Sabertooth, all of Raven Tail, and Cobra did help us fight off those dragons.”

“Do you even remember all those battles?” I ask him.

“Of course I do!” Natsu yelled. “I fought... during the battle against…” Natsu scrunched up his face thinking.

“Don't hurt yourself Natsu.” Juvia said.

“Shaddup.” Natsu mumbled into his scarf.

“Well.” I clapped my hands together. “We need to head back.”

“We're not going to walk the rest of the way are we?” Lyon asked.

“No we'll catch the train.” I say.

“Noooooo!” Natsu complained.


Erza POV

Where can I find my friends? I know where Natsu is. But I need to find Gray and Lucy. What other clues can I discover? Calm down, Erza. Think through what you know.

Some people you came across were Simon and Kagura. What was different about them? Well Kagura looked younger. Maybe the date is also different. If the date is different why would that be? I don't know yet.

Okay, what's another difference you noticed? Well Angel never went evil. But she still defeated Karen Lilica. Obviously the spell is trying to keep the most things as possible the same as in the original timeline. So the differences must be important.

Sorano went evil after her experience with the tower. The tower never happened here.

If the differences are important, and the spell kept Angle and Yukino as celestial mages, then maybe I can find more clues, as well as finding Lucy, if I invested celestial mages. So what things relate to celestial mages? Well, celestial keys. Stars, the sun. Keys...keys...a lock, a door, a gate...gate! The Eclipse Gate! The Eclipse Gate can only be opened using celestial keys. Maybe I will find clues there.

Thanks for reading. I welcome constructive criticism. If you liked it please don't forget to vote.

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