From Woodbury to the Prison

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(Jean's Pov)


So i've started datin Merle, and he's da's right hand man. I don't mind though cuz he's still me Merle and not me Da's. This girl and her friend come and Merle knows the girl from before. She tells Merle where she last was with Daryl at. Da won't let Merle go look. Andrea is shackin up wit me da. I don't care though. Da's let Michonne leave but is sending me and Merle after her ta kill her. I don't wanna but im going wit Merle. We injure her. We follow her. We lost her but Merle stops me. "over there he's from my old group." "then lets bring 'em back and ask where Daryl's at." We get 'em and head back ta town. I ask 'em where Daryl is an they jus ignore me. "Don't make me get me da in here. He won't be so nice." The girl won't speak. "Alrigh ya asked for it. DA!" i go out and wait. Merle comes out from talkin ta Glenn. "He say anythin?" "No." "Let me try hun." He nods. "Ya hit him Merle?" Merle nods again. I sigh and bring me medical stuff in wit me. I go in and see Glenn all beat up. "Aw man he did a numba on ya huh?" I shake me head and come over. Glenn tenses up. "Don't ya worry i'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm here ta help." I pull out me medical stuff. "I'ma doctor i'ma take care of ya face." I fix up is face some. "As best I can do." "Thanks." "No problem. Anyway Glenn is it?" He nods. "Well if ya don't tell me where Daryl is i'ma let Merle back in here. Now I really don't wanna let him back in cuz I don't like his methods but if ya don't start speakin I'ma have ta." Glenn just shakes his head. I sigh. "I gave ya a chance. I hope next time I come in here I don't gotta put ya down." I stand up and am about ta leave. "Wait." "Yes glenn?" "Is Maggie okay?" "The girl ya came with?" He nods. "I don't know. She wouldn't speak ta me so I had ta let The Governor talk ta her. I do hope she's okay though." I shake my head and leave. Merle asks "Anythin?" "Nothin. He asked bout the girl though." Merle nods. He walks me out. I give him a kiss. "Don't do nothin sutpid." He just chuckles. I walk away. I look in me pocket for me key. Man I forgot it with the girl. I walk back ta the girl's room. I walk in and Da is about ta rape her. "Da! Stop!" He looks up. He just grabs her neck and pulls her up. "You wanna take her place huh?" I shake me head "No." I hang my head. I grab me keys and say "Sorry Maggie. I tole Glenn ya were okay." I turn and walk out the door. I see Merle toss in a walker and shut the door. "Merle no!" I run ta try ta open the door and help Glenn but Merle stops me. I get outta his arms finally and open the door me knife up. Glenn has killed the walker. "Oh thank god ya alright." I sigh. Merle comes in and grabs Glenn. "No Merle whatya gonna do wit him?" "None of ya business woman." I slap Merle. "Don't talk ta me that way!" I grab Glenn and head ta meet me da. I place glenn down on his knees. I bend down and in his ear I whisper. "I'ma cut yer hands free once me da gets here with Maggie. Don't say nothin bout where ya live. I'll get ya out." He nods. Da shows up with Maggie and I silently cut Glenn's hands free. I say "Da can I take Maggie?" Da shoves her ta me. I silently without anyone knowin cut her hands free too. Da makes Maggie say bout living in a prison by going ta shoot Glenn fore I could stop her. "Damn it Maggie!" Smoke goes off. I run Maggie and Glenn ta the wall. I get shot by me da in the hand so I let Glenn go. It was justa graze but it made me letgo. Martinez manages ta capture me and tie me up. They got a man from Glenn and Maggie's rescuers. We're lead ta the walker arena. I see Merle there. Oh no I know what me da plans on doin. The girl Michonne came back and took out me da's eye and killed Penny. Da blames me and Merle for the loss of Penny. Merle, me, and Daryl, yes they got Daryl, have ta fight each other ta the death. I knock them down and say "Follow me lead. I saw yer group over there." They do. We fight until the smoke goes off. I grab 'em and run ta the group. We make it outta town. We stop on a highway. I see Maggie, Glenn, and Michonne. "Oh i'm glad ya'll made it out okay." Maggie says "We wouldn't have if it weren't for you." I shake me head. "Not true wit yer group here comin ta get ya." They see Merle and Glenn tries ta attack him. I stop him. "Glenn don't" He looks at me funny. I walk over ta the brothers. "Merle aren't ya gonna introduce me babe?" "Uh. Yeah. This is Jean Blake my girlfriend. She's also the Governor's daughter." "Ya didn't need ta tell 'em that part about me da, but yes i'm Jean Blake. So Merle who is who?" "This is Daryleena. And this is Officer Friendly." "Nice ta meet ya Daryl. And yer real name is what Officer Friendly?" "Rick Grimes." I nod. Merle starts bickerin with Glenn and Rick knocks him out. I sigh "And I tole him ta leave Glenn alone too." I listen as Rick and Daryl debate bout lettin Merle and Me come back ta the prison wit 'em. They'll let me come cuz I helped everyone escape but not Merle. "Well if Merle's not comin i'm not either." Daryl, me, and Merle are all goin off on our own. Merle and Daryl get in a fight, after we save a mexican family from certain death cuz Daryl and me recognized a baby cryin. "Merle I'm tired of ya fightin everybody. I'm goin wit yer brother ta the prison. Come if ya want." Daryl and me start ta head ta the prison. Merle follows us. I hear somethin. "Guys someone's bein attacked." We run and save Rick. They lock Merle up and take all our weapons. I sigh. Daryl comes over "You and my brother huh?" "I guess but lately he's been a dick ta me. And everybody else too. I'm done of his shit. I just need ta move on and adjust ta being here." He nods and walks away. Merle calls me from his cell. I walk over ta him "Whadya want Merle?" "You." "Merle i'm done. I'm done with yer shit and yer shitty attitude. I'm stayin here and gonna try ta make this home. Do what ya want." I turn and walk away. Merle calls after me but I ignore him. 

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