Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

*Liam's POV*

"...Liam. Liam? LIAM!" Harry called out to me as I was busy drowning in my thoughts about this whole date night with Harry. I was continually tapping my foot as I sat in the passenger seat and my hands were embarassingly sweaty.

I shook my head to clear it and let out another big breath. I looked at Harry, finding him already staring at me with worried eyes. "Huh?" was all I could sputter out to him.

"Are you okay? Are you really this nervous to go out on a date with me?" he asked in a surprisingly small voice.

"Um...Well, I can't say that I'm exactly 'excited' to be here right now. But I'm probably just overreacting," I managed to say. I felt bad that I was giving Harry such a hard time about this date, when I don't even know what he's planning for us. "So...What are you planning for us tonight?"

He looked me over, face completely emotionless, before he sighed and faced the front again. I noticed that the car was slowing down as he parked to the side of the road. Before I could say anything, Harry parked the car and leaned his head back on the headrest of his seat with his eyes closed.

"I can't believe I've already messed this up," I heard him say to himself. That made me feel even more guilty about not giving him a chance.

"Harry, you haven't messed anything up yet. We haven't even started this date, right?" I said encouragingly, turning in my seat to face him. "You still have the rest of the night."

"I know, but...I've been freaking you out for the past week and now that you finally agreed to go on a date with me, I've just realized what a creep I was to you. I have no idea why you even agreed to go out with me," he said, opening his eyes, but looked forward, still avoiding me.

"Well, you know why I agreed to go out with you tonight. You...kinda made me," I admitted, then added when I saw him deflate, "But I'm glad agreed to do this."

He looked at me now, sitting up straighter in his seat. "Y- you are? We haven't even done anything yet, and you're already glad you're here, with me?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess. I mean, at first, yeah, you scared the living sh- shiz-nit out of me. But right now, I'm getting to see a vulnerable, softer side of you. You're confessing to me how much you really want this, and...It's quite flattering actually," I said with a smile, making him smile back.

"Ugh. 'Vulnerable'. Gee, thanks for the description of me," he said sarcastically, but chuckled anyways. "So you don't want me to drive back to our dorms now and drop you off?" he asked with a grin, but  could tell he was still hesitant about asking it. He really does want this...

"No, I don't want you to drop me off back at the dorms. I'm actually really curious about this date you're taking me on tonight. So, please. Carry on, Styles," I replied.

Harry beamed and started driving again, smiling brighter than ever before. "Gladly."

He drove for about 10 more minutes, before he stopped and parked somewhere near a park and the woods. I blinked in shock and turned to him worriedly. Is this the end? Is he planning on killing me and leaving my body out here to rot? Is he really a psychomaniac killer?!

"Don't give me that look. I'm not gonna kill you, Liam, " he said when he saw my face. Then he smiled and pointed to a spot out there, where I could see a shimmer of...water? "See that? I'm taking you on a picnic near the water. Romantic enough for you?"

"Oh, wow. A romantic picnic on a first date? Isn't that something," I said in shock, then slowly smiled at him. "I knew there was a softer side to your creepiness."

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