Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

*Liam's POV*


"You ready to do this?" Harry whispered behind me as we walked in the library, hand in hand.

"Yeah. Are you?" I asked in return, glancing up at him. "You get the harder part, remember? Do you remember what you have to do?"

"I guess... Just one question, though," he asked softly, sounding a bit nervous. I nodded and let him continue on, "Do I really have to do  the last part? Isn't that a bit much? I mean, - "

"Harold, we already discussed every single detail of my plan yesterday. No backing out now. I won't let you," I interrupted.

He sighed, but nodded nonetheless. "If you say so, love."

"You're just nervous, but don't worry. Once we start, you'll probably end up having fun with it," I encouraged him as I squeezed his hand.

"Hopefully," he muttered under his breath.

"Now, where did Tom say he was gonna meet us?" I asked, looking around the library.

"I still don't like that he's part of the plan," Harry grumbled beside me.

Waving him off, I finally spotted Andy walking in the library with - of course! - another bouquet of freaking flowers! Where does he buy them anyways? How much money does he really have that he can afford to buy them? And WHY does he keep buying them for me?! I'm SO over him! Why can't he just get that?!

"No f***ing way," Harry growled. "Why the actual f*** can't he just get that you're not into him anymore?"

"I know, right? But anyway, just hush. We need to start the plan now," I hissed at him.

"Tom isn't here yet," he whispered back.

"Well, we'll try to stall then. We need to start now."

I cleared my throat and slowly let go of Harry's hand. He sighed, but nodded when I gestured him to his spot according to our plan. Once he was there, I made my way over to a nearby shelf as I pushed a cart of books.

"Hey Liam!" I heard a female voice call out to me.

When I turned to see who it was, I saw Perrie walking over to me with a smile. Aw, man! I forgot about her job here! She wasn't part of the plan! What do I do?!

"H- hi Perrie," I stammered out.

"You've spoken to the librarians about me working here, right?" she asked.

"Uh... I- You know what? I'll do that now, so... Could you- Do you mind putting these books away? Just push this cart around and look for the right sections. They should be in order when you put them back," I quickly thought as a way to distract her, just in case she would interrupt the plan.

"Oh, alright. Sure thing!" she said excitedly and hurried off with the cart.

Sighing in relief, I waved off Harry's concerned look from here just as Andy spotted me and waved. I squeaked from nerves and tried to look for something to do.

"Liam!" Andy called out. "Didn't think you wanted to see me again. But here we are. And here you go."

"Right. Thanks, I guess," I said as he gave me the bouquet of flowers. "Um, quick questions... Where do you buy these? And how have they not run out of flowers yet?"

Andy laughed loudly and put an arm around mey shoulders. I mentally groaned in disgust and tried to shrug his arm off. Oh god. WHY?!

"HEY! Hands off the bae!"

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