How To Love Him

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I had heard his name thrown around a few times before I actually met him. Women in the bar describing the amazing sex he could provide, explaining how it happened, elaborating on details that I could care less about. I was never jealous though, in fact, I had never even seen this 'hot hunk of man' in the bar.

So call me naïve when I say that I didn't exactly believe him to be real. I kind of assumed all these women to be bragging about a fake one night stand because they were actually incapable of really getting laid.

This was all until my best friend Cassandra started talking about him. To the point where it was an unhealthy obsession. She didn't just want this guy, she NEEDED him. At first I found it kind of funny. Childish of course, but quite funny nonetheless. Then I actually found myself hoping that they crossed paths just so she could shut the hell up about it.

You can imagine my surprise when sure as shit, they met.

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