Chapter Four

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I turned abruptly, expecting to see Cassie and Sophie behind me. Instead, I found myself lost in a pair of chocolate brown eyes that told me this wasn't either of my girlfriends.

He smiled at me.

Actually smiled this time, not a smirk.

"Hey, I'm Derrick." He said suddenly, holding his hand out to me.

I took his hand and shook it lightly, feeling an odd indescribable sensation course through me.

"Stephanie." I replied, "Stephanie Summers."

"Well, Stephanie Summers, would you care to -" his sentence was immediately cut off by a chorus of 'YEAHS' being shouted within the bar.

I was temporarily confused as to what all the ruckus was about until I lifted my head to the TV screen atop the bar.

I frowned deeply and let out a guttural war cry, "NO!!!"

I was brought back to the here and now by Derrick's string of profanities that were loudly filling the now quiet bar.

Normally, one would be quite embarrassed by such a show, but I revelled in it, now knowing he was on my side.

I grasped his muscular arm in my petite manicured hands, pulling him towards me and away from his anguish.

"You're a Leafs fan?" I asked incredulously.

He stared at me as if I had suddenly grown a second head.

"If you're telling me that it wasn't obvious, I'm going to write you off as vapid and just search the bar for a better candidate." He said calmly.

I frowned, looking up at him to see if he was joking. No hint of sarcasm on his face gave him away. I dropped my hand from his arm feeling stung and honestly quite offended.

Who the hell was he calling vapid?! I thought to myself. The anger coursing through me.

Smirking slightly, he grabbed my hand and began to drag me after him to the dance floor. Not a word was spoken as we made our way through the throngs of sweating club goers and I smiled back at him as a plan slowly formed in my head.


I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed my body tighter against his. I heard a subtle gasp leave his full lips and I smirked to myself as I carefully dropped my body, making sure to pop my ass out as I slid back up.

He just stood there.

I let a smile play on my lips briefly before repeating the action that had caused his stunned reaction.

As the song came to a close, I let myself lose all sense of right and wrong as I did things on the dance floor that most women wouldn't even try in the bedroom.

I sauntered off, feeling his eyes on my back, making me mentally congratulate myself.

I had left him wanting more.

The thought of that alone gave me a sense of empowerment and made me smile to myself.

I made my way over to Cassie and Sophie, wiping the sweat from my forehead in a pretty unattractive manner.

Just as I approached them, I could tell something was seriously wrong with Cassie. She had tears forming in her eyes and her fists were clenched by her side.

Knowing quite well that Cassie was never a fighter, I instantly began to worry about what had happened.

"Cassie, what's wrong?!" I asked breathlessly.

She sneered at me, disgust lacing her beautiful features. "You know damn well what's wrong Stephanie! Don't try and play fucking dumb!"

I frowned.

How the hell was I to know what had happened? I hadn't even been with them.

I knew that when Cassie was upset it was never wise to push for details but I was desperate to know who had fucked with my best friend.

Putting a hand on her arm soothingly I gave her an empathetic smile. "Cass, I want to know who did this to you."

She grimaced before shaking my hand off her arm. "YOU! YOU DID THIS!" she ground out through clenched teeth whilst pointing a manicured hand in my direction.

The words reverberated within my skull. What was she talking about? How the fuck did I do anything?

"What the hell are you talking about? I wasn't even with you guys, I was with him." I replied while turning around to point in Derrick's direction.

"Oh I know!" she exclaimed loudly, causing a few people to focus on the apparent fight we were currently having.

I was confused.

Actually, confused was an understatement. I was completely and utterly lost.

"YOU STUPID SLUT!" she spat, tears rolling down her porcelain cheeks.

I reached out, hoping to get and explanation out of her. But instead she swatted my hand, like one would spat a misbehaved child, before turning on her heels and walking away.

I stared after her, my vision blurring into a mess of darkened shapes and bright lights as I let the tears cascade down my face.

Suddenly and out of nowhere, Sophie appeared in front of me, taking my head gently in her hands and forcing me to look into her sapphire eyes.

She looked as if she knew something I didn't. I waited patiently before she leaned in and whispered the confession into my ear, "That guy is Cassie's man from the bar a few weekends ago."

I felt like I had been punched in the gut. All my oxygen seemed to leave me in one big --whoosh- as I found myself gripping the bar for support.

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