Chapter 3

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As soon as Harry and Ginny entered Tonk's parent's house, her mother Andromeda ran to us. Tears streaming down her face she looked happy to see us. "Welcome back. Teddy is napping right now, do you want to chat?" We followed Andormeda to the kitchen where she pulled out some mugs and poured us some coffee. We sat in the chairs around the circular kitchen table and sip our coffee for a minute or two before Ginny breaks the silence, "So, I assume you heard about Tonks and Lupin? I am so sorry, if there is anything I can do to help..." Her voice drifted off. "I have. Minerva sent me an owl as soon as possible. But, we hope to bury them soon. All I will need help with is going to be Teddy." For the first time since they got there Harry said something.

"I can take Teddy. He can come with me home."

"That would be great becuase I will have to do scheduling and such. I am also thinking of traveling to see some friends in Manchester. My friend Regina also lives alone and has already offered to have me room with her. But the only problem I had was I don't want to take Teddy that far away. So that would be great. I have some things for him that we can start packing up if you wish"

"Sure. Where is it?"

"Down in the cellar by the front door. I am going to grab some suitcases for Teddy and I."

Ginny and Harry walked down to the cellar and opened the door to find- bigger sized clothes, blankets, a umbrella stroller, baby bottles, a pack 'n' play, and a couple of toys. When Andromeda came with the suitcases she dropped some off and then hurried upstairs with some of them an to check on Teddy.

"Harry, GInny I am going to stop by Diagon Alley and some friend's places to pick up a few things. Is that okay with you and would it be okay if you could watch Teddy?"

"Sure we can do that."

"Thank you so much. I might be home late. If you need to stop by your house Harry later, feel free to bring Teddy with you and maybe he can stay over to get used to his new home." They waved goodbye, Andromeda apparated off to wherever she was going.

A few minutes later a wail, travels down from upstairs. Harry and Ginny hurry upstairs to where they here the cry coming from. They open a door to a green room, filled with toys, and little froggies and  duckies. In one corner of the room a white crib rests where a wail comes up again. Ginny hurries over to the crib and picks up the little baby inside the crib. "Hi, baby" she coos. "Why are you crying, buddy?" She checks his diaper and realizes that he needs a diaper changing. She takes him over to the diaper changing table where she strips himo of his clothes, pulls out a new diaper and some baby wipes, while still keeping her hand on the baby boy's chest. She changes the diaper and does all the stuff that goes along with that. Harry comes beside her and whispers into her ear "We are gonna have an awesome family, with a great mother." In response to that she says "Good, but if we wanna be a good family we should start off by feeding Teddy." So she puts his clothes back on picks him up and heads back downstairs.

     When Ginny enters into the kitchen she pulls the fridge door open and finds a jar of baby food in the door. Harry grabs the highchair and digs through the drawers and finds a baby spoon and bib. As Ginny places Teddy into the highchair and Harry opens the baby food jar and grabs the spoon. "Here comes the airplane" Teddy opened his mouth for the spoon to go into his mouth. As Harry feed Teddy, Ginny went upstairs to pack the things from Teddy's room.

As Ginny starts to open the drawers in which there are Teddy's clothes. Such as little sweaters (jumpers) pants, baby gros and sweatshirts. Once she had packed all of the clothes into a suitcase she then puts all the little shoes in. After she completely finishes packing the toys she heads into the bathroom where she sees a bottle of baby shampoo, bottle of baby wash and a tube of baby lotion. She then packs it into a different bag, then heads into Tonk's and Lupin's bedroom. Then glancing around to see if there are any more of Teddy's things in the room. She picks up a blanket, and a few bottles. She also pops into the bathroom where she finds a baby tub for Teddy. As she walks out she spots a pregnancy test on the bathroom counter with a postive sign. "Tonks was pregnant with a baby when she died." Ginny thought in her head.

Ginny hurries down to go tell Harry and spots him playing with Teddy in the living room. She sits down next to him and whispers into Harry's ear "Teddy was going to have a sibling." "What?" "Tonks was pregnant you idiot!" "Oh, that's unfortunate." "Unfortunate!?! FIne then. I finished packing all of Teddy's stuff except for the really big stuff. I need you to do that. Okay?" "Yep, I can do that."

Harry headed upstairs to go and finish packing the bigger items, when he had an idea. He could apparate with a piece to Grimmauld place and bring it to an extra room. He went down to tell Ginny his idea about apparating with the pieces. She agreed and said he should get started since there was a good amount of pieces.

When Harry finished taking the pieces to Grimmauld place, Ginny wrapped Teddy up in a blanket or two and grabs Harry's hand and they apparate to 12 Grimmauld Place.

"Welcome home Teddy."

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