Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 30

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DOES ANYONE REMEMBER CHASE???????????????????  sorry for not uploading in so long again. Theres a sugar shortage at my house and its cirppling my ability to write this story but heres a chapte that is hopefully funny.

Don't ask me why or how it happened. All I know is that the windows exploded. People started screaming. Snarls erupted. Werewolves had invaded the school.

The humans that didn't know about the exsistance about the supernatural freaked out completly. They ran into a corner and packed themselves into it.

Those of us that already knew about the supernatural acted differently. We stayed in our seats. None of us moved. We stared down at the floor.

I won't lie, my mind was racing. What the heck was going on? Why were Werewolves attacking the school?

I knew they were Werewolves. I recognized one of them. They weren't from my Pack. They were from Chase's Pack. Had Chase ordered this? Why? What was going on?

A moment later Chase walked in.

"Chase!" I cried out, unable to stop the words before they left my mouth.

He pretended he hadn't heard me but i knew that he had. I saw his eyes flick to me for a second then away.

I knew that Werweolves and Vampires something kidnapped Humans and sold them to Witches. That was no secret. I felt a sick twisted sense of relief wash over me. They couldn't hurt me. The few of us that had been adopted into Covens, Packs, and the like were safe. We wouldn't be harmed. If we were this would be seen as an act of war.

My Alpha had spared Chae's life and let him return to his Pack. If he harmed me it would be an act of ultimate disrespect. Ultimatly he'd be harming one of the Pack, he'd be declaring war against my Pack if he so much as gave me bruise or a cut.

There was a hamster in the class. It somehow got out and charged the werewolves. It ran up someone's pants. The guy crumpled and thrashed violently, trying to squash the hamster. The hamster refused to die.

Everyone broke down laughing. The sight was just halarious. A Werewolf was trying to rip a hamster off his leg.

The hamster moved up into his shirt.

The guy threw himself on the floor again and started rolling around.

One of the other Wereolves grabbed the fire extenguisher and attempted to bash the hamster to death.

It lived.

They set the guy on fire.

The hamster still lived.

Don't ask me how it happened but the guy ended up swallowing the hamster.

Apparently Werewolves can't digest hamsters because the guy started laughing uncontrollably. The hamster was alive and it was moving around in the guys stomach.

The guy got up and ran out of the room.

Everyone aside from the Werewolves broke down laughing.

Chase's eyes flashed dangerously. He snarled.

Have you ever heard that argument where a boy and a girl argue over wich gender is superior? Well it starts now. All the guys tensed and a few too up karate stances. The girls swooned and awed over how sexy the growl was.

Chase stared at the girl with a bizzare expression. "You do realize i'm a Werewolf right?" Just to prove his point he turned into a wolf, roared, and tore a guy to shreds.

The girls fainted and made goo goo eyes at him.

The guys looked like they wanted to kill him but they weren't ready to die right this second.

"Does anyone have anything silver?" Someone whispered softly.

Chase rolled his eyes.

They didn't know that he could hear everything they said, and frankly, this guy didn't know how to whisper. It was too loud to be a whisper.

Murmurs passed through the guys as they tried to work out a plan.

Some moron called 911

three minutes later a freaking SWAT team blasted through the windows.

two minuts the former SWAT team had been disemboweled and eaten by the Werewolves.

Now every human in the room was uneasy. A lot of the girls had fained. The reamining ones had thier mouths agape like stupid fish and the remainder were screaming bloody murder.

The guys looked like they wanted to kill someone.

Those of us with protection from some superantural race or another had no idea what we were supposed to do.

Silence filled the air. a bunch of us students crossed and uncrossed our knees and ankles or shifted our weight from foot to foot. Werewolves could stand still for days but no us. We had to fidget.

Apparently  there was a witch here. She conjured up a lot of rawhide bones and sent them flying towards the Werewolves. They just dodged. What had she been trying to accomplish with that exactly? Next she threw newspapers at them. What the hell was this person doing?

As if we didn't have enough problems already things got worse. We had an earthquake. Everyone was screaming. The stupid ones hid under desks. The smart ones took this opportunity to run for it. Those of us that knew about the Supernatural were the first ones to bolt. We knew that we wouldn't be harmed but it couldn't help to try an escape right?

The Stupid Witch Of The School made the building collapse and gave all the students wings. Everyone scattered. Everyoen flapping frantically in a random direction. I found a Witch and contacted the Coven that had taken me in as one of thier own.

Ten seconds later I was back there, still with wings, in a kitchen next to a big black cauldron that seemed to be vomiting up black acid that seemed to be alive. They stared at me for a moment before going back to the potion.

I didn't know any of the Witches here but I was from thier Coven though. One of them told me that my Alpha had already been told about this.

Chase was in for it if the people in charge got involved. Beleive it or not but even Vampires and Werwolves had to follow rules. Sadly Chase was a Werwolf and Werewolf Courts weren't organized like human courts, or straightfoward like Vampire ones.

Don't ask me how the Mermaid got here but suddenly a gaint scay wet but landed on me and started flopping around. You think a girl slaps good? Wait until you get slapped by a Mermaid's tail.

"Where did the Mermaid come form exactly?" i wondered aloud as the Mermaid flopped away.

No one answered me.

As if on cue a freaking cow fell out of the sky and onto me. First a Mermaid now a cow? What next? A horse?

I had to jinx it and a freaking WHALE came falling out from the sky.

Thankfully it didn't land on me or I would have been screwed.

Ten second later a bunch of unicorns came out of nowhere and i nearly got run over. the bad side? Wait, you mean that wasn't the bad side? sadly no, i got stuck on one and ended up in the middle of some forest that was full of unicorns.

then a the world ripped open and I was swallowed by the earth.

You'd think this means i was going to die but sadly I saw the witch that did it a split second before she cast the spell. Oh joy. I pissed off a Witch.

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