4) ''Hello, Class. I'm Mr Nikiforov.'' Pt.II

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Yuuri sat in Russian, his face still bright red. Mr Nikiforov had finally spoken up after a short silence. He looked to be deep in thought and seemed to break out of his reverie at his own words. 'Now, before we begin, we should probably address the two Yuuri situation.' He smirked childishly and glanced at the other Yuri.

'I know! Yuri Plisetsky, you're now Yurio! Yuuri Katsuki, you can stay the same.' He sent a mild and calming smile Yuuri's way before glancing back to Yurio, Yuuri swore he could see steam blowing from his ears.

'But Viktor-' He was cut off by Mr Nikiforov immediately muttering 'Mr Nikiforov' but let Yurio carry on.

'Why do I have to change my name when that pig can keep it the same!'

Viktor just shrugged, smiling pleasantly as if he hadn't been shouted at, and simply decided to continue on with his lesson, introducing himself a second time in Russian and it seemed only the two Yuuri's understood him at all. It became clear who understood him when he cracked a bad Russian joke and only two of them laughed. Yuuri, horrifically embarrassed about the attention on him, immediately hid his face in his hands and blushed heavily, the attention was slowly fading away but it seemed Yurio was revelling in it but it seemed that, under the surface, he was in fact quite nervous too.

Viktor, on the other hand, looked calm and happy- surprising for a new teacher, especially a supply teacher. He didn't tremble, he didn't stutter- he was the perfect representation of calm.

And that was how the lesson continued, Russian being spoken then explained for the others in the class whilst Yuuri and Yurio sat waiting for the bell. It wasn't as Yuuri didn't know Russian would be easy but he didn't think it would be this easy. Each sentence was simply, only six words at most. He taught us the basics of colours and the days of the week and that seemed to be all.

Yuuri had done Russian in his spare time and lots at previous schools giving him a diverse knowledge of the subject so going over this wasn't exactly Yuuri's dream lesson.

It seemed he wasn't the only bell as when the bell finally rang, everyone sighed, rushing to get to their next class.

The Yuuris were the only ones to remain seated. 'Yurio, don't be mad.' Mr Nikiforov sighed, a smile still gracing his lips.

'Mad! Viktor, I am furious! Yurio?! WHY YURIO?!' The kid roared, slamming his fist on his desk before making his way to Viktor.

'Well, it was the only option!' Viktor defended, raising his hands in surrender. 'I wasn't about to change a stranger's name.' So Yuuri was right, Viktor and Yurio were friends. He shrugged it off and went back to analysing the cracks in his desk and waiting for the bell to ring again.

Mr Nikiforov made no move to leave his seat either. Yuuri raised his hand hesitantly to which Viktor immediately smiled at him and gestured for him to speak.

'Um...a-are y-y-you the Russian P-Poetry teacher?' He stuttered, the words coming out disjointed and barely recognisable but Viktor, despite English not being his first language, seemed to understand him just fine.

He nodded a smile gracing his lips. 'Is it a small class again? Russian Poetry isn't exactly a common elective for a school to give.' He asked, his Russian accent still pronouncing each word almost perfectly. Yuuri shrugged, he was at a loss being new too so he just glanced over at Yurio, him being the only one with an answer.

The Russian punk shrugged, 'there's about ten, eleven now pig is here.' He growled, his hood coming over his face just a bit more.

Viktor laughed and Yuuri looked up scared, how could he not be frightened of this kid? Yuuri could only assume it was because they were friends. Did they know each other from Russia? It seemed like the best reason he could come up with but how had a twenty-something-year-old manage to make friends with a sixteen-year-old? It didn't really matter but often Yuuri's curiosity got the best of him but he was too shy to even speak up so instead, he analyses them curiously looking for clues from their behaviour and body language as to how this friendship had occurred.

He watched at a distance barely being noticed as one by one the next batch of students entered the room and Yurio and Viktor gravitated apart, returning to their student, teacher role.

Mr Nikiforov repeated the exact same introduction as before except skipping calling out new students, knowing Yuuri was the only one new there. It seemed that everyone in this class knew Yurio a lot better by the shock they wore on their faces as Viktor seemed to blatantly offend him. By the end of the lesson, Yurio was fuming and ready to slam Viktor's head on this desk- which Yuuri was sure he could do as he had mentioned his super strength earlier. Just the thought of powers sent a surge of depression through Yuuri. He glanced around nervously as if someone could read his thoughts. Although he had never seen that power, he was sure someone had it.

The surge seemed to flood out of him when he concentrated back on the board seeing a poem that seemed to be in English but must have been written by a Russian. Above it read 'Stranger by Alexander Blok'.

Mr Nikiforov's face seemed to light up at the sight of it, it was one of his favourites. He didn't think it would be on there when he had pulled up a random PowerPoint from the school archive. He began to talk to the class about it, enthusiasm evident in his voice, whilst Yuuri simply read the poem, a small smile graced his lips.

It was a contrasting poem, there was an overlying theme of how drunkards acted but somewhere underneath was a love story. Something for the reader to find out themselves, it was a beautiful poem and it seemed that Yuuri agreed on Viktor on this occasion, this would have to be one of his favourites.

The lesson was soon cut off by the bell and once again the student's flooded out to get to lunch, Yuuri following behind them, his head hanging low and his hands stuffed in the pockets of his hoodie.

'Yuuri Katsuki?' A gentle Russian accent called from behind him. Mr Nikiforov stood behind him, a worried expression morphing his face. 'Are you okay?' He asked, simply, but Yuuri said nothing in reply. Why was he asking this? What made him worry about Yuuri? He didn't stick out, did he? Yuuri's mind seemed to head in circles as he didn't even try to voice his thoughts causing Viktor to place a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

'I may be new but I will always be there for my students. If you need anything, just come to me.' He smiled and released Yuuri, who still hadn't said a word, and left him timidly shuffle out of the classroom.

Yuuri almost wanted to laugh. Come to me with anything, he had said. As if. As if he could tell his brand new supply teacher that he had no power. He wondered what Mr Nikiforov's was. He didn't seem to match anything strength related, he seemed to have the persona of a person with a mental ability.

With that on his mind, Yuuri headed out to lunch and sat alone in Loner's Corner, ready for the day to end.

word count: 1255

published: 18/01/17

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