38) ''I Want You To Tell Me About Yuuri Katsuki''

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A/N First things first, I'm so sorry for the amount of time this took. I had to finish what I was writing for Eruriren Weekend and I wrote over 20,000 words for it so this came as second priority, updates should be back to usual now and the next one may even be sooner than normal. Sorry guys but for that, here's some draaammmaaa! Everything's kicking off now.

Two days later and Phichit and Yuuri were trapped in the same sense of deja vu. Phichit sat on the floor, just as he had on the day he arrived, whilst Yuuri sat cross-legged on his bed looking down at his friend, again, just as he had the day Phichit arrived.

Phichit had still not told Yuuri about his and Viktor's little...chat. A flash of an image suddenly passed through Phichit's mind: 'Viktor, don't you dare try and blame him!' Phichit shook it off and tried to focus back on Yuuri.

He didn't know that Yuuri could hear everything from outside that door; Yuuri still hadn't had the guts to mention it, it was fine- probably: 'Viktor Nikiforov, I will NOT hesitate to threaten you.' Yuuri tried to wipe it from his mind, mortified.

'So, Yuuri, what are you doing for ya' birthday?' Phichit smiled, tucking his head onto his knees, pulling them to his chest. Yuuri shrugged, he wasn't sure. He hadn't had time to think about it. He hadn't had time to think of much recently. He had spent most of his time, well, trying not to think at all.

'I guess stay at home. My mum will cook Katsudon.' The word sent a small smile to his lips, his eyes glistening like a child. Yuuri fell too easily for food, Phichit thought, sighing with a gentle laugh.

'That's depressing, Yuuri!' Phichit complained. 'You have two weeks, you better do something!' He sighed again. 'I wish I was here for it, I would plan something AWESOME!' He shouted, flailing his arms dramatically in the air, a jovial smile returning to his childish features- it was a shame, Yuuri thought, that Phichit hadn't been smiling so much lately. Yuuri guessed he was to blame.

Yuuri had fallen down the hole again before he had even noticed.

Yet, Phichit caught him immediately. He had forgotten, in years of loneliness, the support network he had, catching him every time he fell. He hadn't seen Phichit in too long, he had forgotten how easy it was to be picked up again.

'Yuuri! Don't be sad! You don't need me here. You have more friends than just me, I know that- you even told me. I'm sure from what you've said that Minami would throw you an extravagant party.' Phichit laughed, images of the boy Yuuri had pointed out jumping around a classroom more present than ever. Minami acted younger than Phichit and that was definitely saying something.

'I'm not sure if a party is quite my scene...'

'Of course it is! You'll be surprised, having a party with people you actually like is much better than the parties I know you are imagining.' Yuuri shrugged.

'I guess so but...'

'Uh-uh, no. No buts. I am planning this!' Phichit clapped his hands together a few times and got to work, quickly taking Yuuri's phone off of him and texting Minami the plan.

'So, anything interesting happen at school today whilst I was left to fend in the wild expanse of Chicago?' Phichit asked, his fingers rapidly hitting the keys of the phone as he texted back and forth with five separate people, somehow able to continue a conversation despite it- now, that was what Yuuri called skill.

'Nothing much, the usual conversation with Viktor at lunch but not much else. I guess, Chris came in today. That's something. Into me and Viktor's lunchtime session, that is.' Yuuri sighed, falling onto his back and uncrossing his legs, staring blankly at the ceiling.

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