Fair And Square

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I'm horrible a titles ik😂
If you have any suggestions or ideas please comment!
also I only know the main idea of playing poker/sabacc so somethings may be wrong.
In the commens Kanen p.o.v.
  The crew had an off day today and everyone was relaxing after a long week of back to back ops. Hera was flying the ship (as always), Sabine was in her room painting, Ezra was somewhere in the ship and zeb and I were playing sabacc. " ok that's it I'm out." Zeb had beat me the last five games and I decided it wasn't worth the time by now. " ah come on boss just one more game?" Zeb pulled his won credits closer to him as I got up and sat on the other couch. " why don't you play Ezra or something?" " yeah right, he probably doesn't even know what sabacc is." As if on cue Ezra strolled in. " hey" He came and sat on the opposite side of the couch." Hey" I looked up from what I was working on as he sat down. I looked at zeb and bobbed my head towards Ezra hoping he would get the message. Zeb finally gave in and talked to Ezra. " hey kid, wanna play?" "sure." Ezra went over and sat across from zeb the they started.
No ones p.o.v.
"What's the bet?" Ezras seamed to maybe actually know what he was doing. " what you got?" " enough. How bout 15 credits?" " sure."  Ezra dealt and they were playing through the game. Right from the begging you could tell that Ezra was a go big or go home person. He pulled the pot up to 50 Creds but neither of them folded. Zeb finnaly put his cards down with a flush and Ezra put down straight. " wow" Kanen was watching from his spot on the couch but got up to see Ezra's win. " how are you so good??" You could tell zeb was a little frustrated with losing his spot as champion of sabacc. " practice." Ezra colected his 130 credits and shoved them in my backpack." But where? Why would you need to." " it provides credits a lot better than other options" everyone knew what he meant." There was a 'sabacc championship' in joes cantina while back. Provided enough credits through the whole winter." " what do you plan on doing with that?' Kanen gestured to the surplus of credits Ezra now had. " don't worry, I've got a plan." " wanna play again, kid?" " no thanks. I got things to do." Ezra then left Kanen and zeb walking out of the room with a smirk on his face.
Kanen p.o.v
"Oh no, He's gonna do something stupid I just know it." Zeb just nodded his head and started to clean up the game " kids actually really good though." " I bet I could beat him." From down the hall they heard Ezra yell " is that a challenge?!"
No ones p.o.v.
Ezra walked in having a questioning look on his face. " sure kid. Come on" they both sat down on opposite sides of the table as zeb dealt.
After game no ones p.o.v.
" BAhah" zeb was laughing at Kanens dumbfounded face after Ezra put down his game winning strait. He slowly pulled in his winnings and said " well looks like I'll be able to do more than I thought" both zeb and Kanen looked slightly scared and Kanen said " what are you planning?" " it's a seeeecreetttttt" Ezra again left very creepily. " oh no" both Kanen and zeb said.

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