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Hermione had sat down with Noah a week later and invited Felix along to the discussion. She had found out of the opinion Miss Grinnendale had taken, so Hermione made sure the meeting was in private away from Eleanor.

"Okay, so you're telling me that Professor Mathis has been poisoning Hermione with a love potion?" Felix asked the younger wizard, obivoulsy at a height disadvantage in that moment. Noah shrunk into himself, but his voice was confident.

"Yeah, it's a mutated version of Amortentia."

"Right, and he had us making batches of it last week. I know I cleaned up my cauldron, but Ellie never cleaned out hers," Felix said quickly.

"He tainted it so that way it would only affect Professor Granger. My dad sent me another picture of the case because I told him what you said Hermione, and Harry Potter also wants you to write him."

Hermione ignored the protest from Harry, that could come later, she was more worried over the fact she was being drugged every time she was within a few meters radius of Vance Mathis.

"Why can't I remember anything though, all of the times he's speaking to me or even touching me I guess is all foggy. I only ever learn what you guys see."

The boys nodded.

"I think I know," Felix suddenly said as he read through the case file of the man that looks like Professor Mathis.


"Talents: Memory Charms and Potions."

Well that explained that, but they weren't entirely sure it was him either. If they accused him falsely and brought the ministry there, how would they react to a false find? Harry would be so disappointed in Hermione, and so would Ron. They had to have heard about what she'd "done" to Severus by now... there was no way it hadn't reached them. The thing was, who were they more apt to believe?

"Great... I just don't understand why he's targeting me all of a sudden."

"Becuase you're vulnerable," Felix blurted causing Noah to gasp in horror.

"Sorry, lost my filter for a second."

Hermion didn't even flinch at the words, she was too concentrated.

"We need something to tie him to all of this... what if we tricked him with veritaserum?" Hermione asked suddenly, her voice becoming hopeful.

"That was only allowed in Death Eater trials after the Second Wizarding War."

"Where would we even find Veritaserum?" Noah asked, ignoring Felix becuase he thought it was a brilliant idea. "I mean, it has no scent and no taste, so it should work, but..."

"I know where to get it, just... you're going to need your friend's help, Noah."

Hermione smiled as the youngest wizard grinned. She was talking about himself, Theo, and Erin who all got along pretty well after mending their rough start as detention-mates into a fine trio.

"We only have to sneak into Snape's stores of potions... in his office. How hard will that be?"

"Easier than you think, actually," Hermione said thoughtfully, knowing exactly how they were going to carry out this plan. A plan for her to get Severus back... as long as it didn't get her in further trouble with him than she already was.


There were four people that didn't show up to dinner that same night, and those four were three Gryffindors and a professor, one Slytherin still at the meal, making sure that the Headmaster was in the Great Hall... or else their plan would be ruined.

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