Chapter 2

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chapter 2


My eyes were so full of sleep I could barely open them, my head was pulsating. I was in for a huge hangover. I sat up peeling the hot sheets off my sweaty body, I saw my reflection in the mirror at the foot of my bed, I was in the dark navy blue dress Trinity picked out, my face was oily and I had smudged mascara all under my eyes. My hair was oilier then canned sardines.

I recalled last night's events, vaguely remembering what happened at the club but unfortunately I was able to recall every moment from seeing those dark figures all the way up  to the man in the taxi telling me Harry, in fact was the bad kind of trouble; I didn't even know there was a good kind?

I walked into the bathroom stripping and running the shower, I don't remember Oliver waking me up to inform me at how they went at the hospital. I tried to wash away anything that occurred last night, but unfortunately for me, it wasn't that simple. 


"Hey bum-hole," I smiled, "So... How was Harry once you got him to the hospital?" I asked Oliver, I had come down stairs after my shower and  Oliver was eating ham on toast sitting at the island in the kitchen.

"Well, I took him in, the lady at the front desk asked where we found him and told me to jot down my details like my home phone and both our mobile phone numbers." He rubbed his temples, clearly frustrated.

"When did you get home?" I asked taking a seat next to him.

"Around 6am," He laughed, "I should have been getting up for the gym but instead I was going to bed."

It was late afternoon and Trinity still wasn't home, I texted her over a  dozen times but no reply. My guess was her phones flat, or she's been murdered.

"Well, I'm just glad last night's over and done with." I laughed shaking my head, "The taxi driver full on told me 'Harry Styles' is the 'bad kind of trouble', whatever that means." I laughed putting on some black thongs and grabbing my wallet.

"Want to come to the shops, we need groceries" I asked Oliver,

"Sure thing chicken wing" He smiled blinking numerous times before heading out the door with me walking behind him.

"Who's drivin'?" I asked, Oliver looked at me as though I'm stupid.

"Me, I'm never getting into a car that you're driving." He winked running his tongue along bottom lip. it's his worst habit but Trinity loves it, I'd never tell him that. Otherwise he'd take into his advantage and tease her.

"Just thought I'd ask," I laughed.


"Harry asked me if you could visit him in hospital, just so he could thank you and stuff." The isle we were shopping in for cereal suddenly felt so much longer to walk and a lot more silent, everyone trying to hear what we were talking about.

"I'm busy, I won't have time." I admitted.

"You don't have time to see the guy whose life you saved for like, five minutes?" He shook his head, I knew he thought I was being unreasonable but I did have a bad feeling about Harry. Something about him wasn't right and judging my last night's performance I wasn't being unreasonable by blocking him from my life.

I didn't answer Oliver, I put cheeros into the trolley and kept walking, putting my head down hoping he wouldn't bring the question back up.

"Clare?" Oliver tapped my shoulder.

"I don't want to see Harry." I stated turning around.

"All he wants is to thank you for saving his damn life! If you hadn't of done what you did we would have been sitting in a police station identifying that his corpse is definitely the boy we saw last night! But if you don't have the decency to do so then why the fuck did you bother to save him in the first place?!" He shot back, causing a scene.

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