Chapter 8: Acrobatics

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Chapter 8


The air was thick, so thick it almost hurt to breathe. Small ringlets were stuck to my forehead with sweat, my lips were dry and my mouth was all but dry too, I looked up, Clare wasn’t where she was when I’d fallen asleep. I sat up, pulling my limp body over the front seat, she wasn’t even in the fucking car, shit. My heart started racing, I banged on the driver’s door window, and some snow cascaded off from the roof taking most of the snow on my door off with it. I struggled to open the door but when I did an agitated looking Clare looked right back at me.

“Oh thank god,” I huffed, running my hands through my knotted curls. “I thought you’d attempted to walk home or something,” I looked up at her, she almost looked guilty. Her pale skin glowed against the street lights, she had the blanket I was using wrapped around her.

“You were talking in your sleep, I couldn’t get to sleep while you mumbled so I came out here.” She nodded towards the passenger’s seat door, my heart dropped and bile rose in my throat. Shit, how much did she hear?


I didn’t say anything, I tore my eyes from her and shoved the car door fully open so I could get out. I leant against the cold snow covered bonnet of the R8. I folded my arms across my chest and began to create small individual clouds of my hot breath against the cold air. I’d been talking in my sleep, sleep walking and having nightmares that not even the world’s best shrinks could figure a remotely sane reason to why. My aunty who was also a shrink always said it was because I worried too much, but I didn’t, I just cared too fucking much. I cared about things that could never care about me. A shiver ran down my spine and my eyes tightly shut off the world.



“Hello, Harry,” The lady in white spoke in a soft voice, she was pretty, pretty hair. I looked to the ground, she made me feel nervous. I see her walk around, talking to kids like me, kids whose parents leave them here because they can’t have us right now, but I know mine are off in a different planet, the other ladies in white tell me all the time and I see it in my dreams.


The pretty lady in white grabbed my shoulder and smiled, I flinched and stepped back. I didn’t like her touching me, she smiled at me, and I didn’t like the smile she was giving me. It was different from the other kids she smiled at.

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