Chapter Four

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Artemis's POV

    Back in the forest, slowly growing back from the war, I climb the tree I had bundled my belongings into. A thin blanket held most of my possesions, namely food, money, and weaponry, in the oak's tall branches. 

    Where has my staff disapeared off to? I had it propped against a willow tree but a few yards from this oak . . . I see it's glimmering, powerful red, flame like light blazing next to another pine. Leaping to the ground from my tree, I find that my staff has been snapped in half. No matter, I can fix it with a few runes. What little magic I do know is powerful. That is why I have to move from city to city.

    I am never welcome for long, for I do not know how to thouroughly control my abilities. Wherever I go, people seem to get hurt and disaster strikes. What I do know is mostly concerning runes. My staff doesn't help much with anything, but it can be used as a weapon and sheild in some ways. There is also the fact that it is the only thing I have left of my parents.

    Many call me a witch. Some call me the devil, a demon in disguise of an innocent girl. But I am none of these things. I don't know how I know that the thing moving Howl's castle was a fire demon. The deom was somehow harnassed to be controllable. Howl must be a very powerful wizard, like he claimed. 

    Maybe I can stay in this city, if I can get Howl to teach me how to control my powers and use them for good. Maybe we could team up and prevent the war from breaking out again . . .

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