Chapter 15 - Floor 99

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Also, from here on, I'll use the words "demonic orb", "demon stone" and "orb" all at random, but they're the same.

Enjoy the chap!!


I gripped my sword tightly and rushed at top speed towards the dragon.
The earth broke open when I swung my pitch-black swords onto the dragon's kneecap, shattering it into tiny fragments.
But mere seconds after that, the kneecap was already restored with no visible damage.

"[Bone Healing]...", I muttered.

I didn't give the dragon time to fight back and kept attacking furiously.
White bone fragments filled the sky as though it was snowing, mixed together with black aura every time my sword swung.

Yet, the dragon kept restoring itself, so the battle didn't progress much. Or so it seemed.

Although I didn't really break through the dragon's defences, I kept attacking to find something in the mass of white bone; a demon stone.

It was true it was a God, but it was kept here inside this dungeon like a pet. Meaning there must be a way to control it, in other words, a demon stone.

First the front legs, then the hind legs.

As expected, I didn't find anything. Next, the tail.

Just as I cut away the tip of the tail, I was hit in the stomach by a slap of its tail. I was flung back a couple of hundred meters before smashing onto the ground. This was the only weakness of the [Chaotic Dragonslaying Sword Technique]; defense.

Stats for attacking are being boosted, but every hit received gains an additional 200% power. It's a truly terrifying technique, but it can't be used carelessly.

I crawled up and once again started to hit the dragon.

Slowly but surely, the dragon started to get agitated because of my continuous attacks and the little flies called spiders and demons at its feet. It began to wildly flail around to hinder me and continuously used [Bone Eruption] to halt my progress, what killed all the spiders and demons on the ground.

I didn't mind those small fry dying since they were summoned to be cannon fodder anyway. Finally, after many attacks, I was getting close to its weakness.


I got smashed on the ground for the I-don't-know-how-many-times-it-has-been, but jumped up immediately, ignoring the pain and smashed apart its ribs. 


My swords were moving so fast they made booming sounds each time they were swung. I jumped from one bone onto the other inside the dragon's ribcase, heading for its head.

Stakes continuously kept appearing inside its neck. I only evaded those that were life-threatening and ignored the others. My body became covered in wounds and blood gushed down at a worryingly fast rate.

Then, I finally saw what I was looking for. A gigantic, two meter (6.6 ft) wide, red orb with a black haze enveloping it. Although the haze felt familiar, I didn't mind but swung my sword as fast and hard as I could.

"[God Slash], [Swift Slash], [Supersonic Blast]!!!", I shouted.

My swords hit the orb at the exact same time at two different places. The orb resisted my slash, but electric currents started to appear under my swords showing how intense the orb was trying to defend itself.


A red air current shot out the orb when my swords finally broke through the orb's defenses and clieved it cleanly into three big pieces.

The moment the orb broke and the skeleton dragon started to crumble, a red-coloured ray was shot towards me, hitting me in the chest.


I screamed as my heart was being burned by the ray. The stench of burned flesh filled my nose and I started to lose my vision. I fell down towards the ground together with the dust of millions of shattered bones.


A black-clothed man stood in front of me. His face was really familiar. It was Sinctar.

"Why are you here?", I asked.

"Obviously because you accomplished something", he answered.

"How do you mean?"

"You've found a piece of my soul in that dragon. Didn't I tell you I'd reward you if you found a part of my soul?"

"I vaguely remember something like that..."

"You really are an annoying brat, you know that? You meet a God and you don't even remember it?", he said angrily.

"PART of a God", I said.

Sinctar looked at me like he wanted to strangle me. I might have hit a sore spot.

"Sorry 'bout that, I clearly crossed a line there. So, what do you want to tell me?"

After my apology, Sinctar seemed less angry and answered:"Well, since you're almost back to the outer world, you'll need to hide your power and appearance when going into human territory. If you don't, it's too much of a hassle".

"Ahn, that's right", I nodded,"so what's your point?"

"I'll give you some extra skills but also a cloak that can hide your face no matter how one looks at you".

"Oh, that's kind of cool. What skills will you give me?", I asked eagerly.

"That's a surprise", Sinctar smiled.
"Well, it seems you'll have to leave soon. Collect my soul a bit faster, will'ya? I'm really bored right now".

"Ow, shut up, you old fart. Don't boss me around, you're still renting my body you know?"

But I didn't hear Sinctar's reply, since I was already gone.


The first thing I felt when I woke up was that my face was wet. I opened my eyes and saw Ilya's face.
She was crying non-stop, her eyes bright-red and her hair dishevelled.
My throat was extremely dry and I had trouble speaking, so my voice was more of breath than anything else:

Like she was just hit by a taser, Ilya shot up and looked at me in shock.

She whispered my name and threw herself on top of me, hugging me as if she didn't have any intention to let go.
I guess she didn't, really.

"What...happened?", I asked with some difficulty.

"", she sobbed,"were many times...and...I'd...die and...then you fell down...after the fight...and...such a big wound...I thought'd leave me..."

"You know...I'd", I smiled with crooked lips.
Although her embrace was pretty painful, I let her hug me.
I had truly worried her.

She continued:
"The hole...suddenly it started to close...luckily you have three hearts or I don't know what would've happened to you if-"

"What do you mean I have three hearts?!?!", I interrupted her.

She looked up from her embrace and looked at me in disbelieve:
"You didn't know? True demons have three hearts, while the nobility of demons have two and the normal beings have one..."

"Then were are they located?"

She suddenly smiled and put her index finger a little bit above my heart:"Here".
She slowly moved her finger down but evaded my wound which was now a big scar.
She pointed to my bellybutton:"Here".
Then she moved her finger back up, which tickled a lot.
She passed my throat and put her finger in between my eyes:"".

The moment she said "here", she moved her head closer to mine and stroked my lips with hers.

The sudden kiss made me a bit stupefied, but I realised I wanted her to do it again.

Like she could read my mind, she smiled mischievously:

I nodded my head slightly and Ilya moved closer to kiss me again.

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