Chapter 38 - Hiruyis' punch

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I sneered at the man.

"What qualifications do you have to make us kneel?"

The entire crowd immediately gasped loudly as a clamour emerged. Before, they could write it off as being ignorant about etiquette. But this...  was a straight revolt against the King's reign!


The guard immediately unsheathed his weapon and charged over using some weird movement skill. Using the mental bond that is established between master and slave, I called out to Hiruyis

[Don't kill him]

[Yes, Master]

Upon hearing the command, Hiruyis' body flashed as he instantly appeared in between me and the guard. If the guard was surprised, then it didn't show on his face. He calmly slashed towards the annoying fellow in front of him. The monstrous guy who could beat 200.000 monsters was worthy as his opponent, but this fellow following him wasn't!

The guard hadn't used his full capacity in his slash as he thought Hiruyis was weak. But even if he had used all he had, he wouldn't have been a match for the first prince of the Bajang.

Hiruyis slowly lifted his arm towards the sword. The movement was extremely slow, but space distorted wherever his arm went, whipping up a powerful storm. The slow hand didn't gain any speed but was suddenly right in front of the sword! Hiruyis palm emitted a dark blue radiance as he touched the blade. Many onlookers thought blood would splatter and the foolish guy who jumped in front of his master would get crippled. But none of that happened. The sword, upon touching the sword's edge, began to devour the sword. The sword was slowly pulled into the light in Hiruyis' hand. The blade began to tear away as a big dent appeared in it. And it became bigger and bigger... until the point where Hiruyis' hand had forcefully torn through the sword. At that moment, the blue radiance disappeared from Hiruyis' hand and the previously whipped up storm condensed in his arm. He made a fist and hit the guard squarely on his chest. Yet, the man didn't even budge one inch. An incredible silence filled the hall. Hundreds of eyes were focused on the guard, seeing how he would react. Then, the guard's body swayed. He coughed up blood and his ears began to bleed. He fell backwards and started to tremble wildly for a while before finally falling unconscious. (AN: ONE PAAAAAAAAANCH!*)

Everyone present stared with their eyes open. This guard that was KO-ed wasn't just an unknown entity, he was the second guard of the army! Although there was a large difference between him and the first guard, he was one of the strongest warriors of the country! Yet he was beat down like a dog within seconds.

Even the royal family, sitting on their thrones felt a sudden chill on their backs. They were shocked even the other members of my party whom they hadn't seen before possessed such terrifying strength.

"Anyone else... who wants to see us kneel?"

As I said so, an undisguised sneer was placed in my voice. The hall kept quiet. After a short while, the king spoke up:" Please, Sir Toru, there is no need for violence. We will not force you to need for Us. You are the savior of this grand city, so we like to reward you for this. Please name any one thing you would like to receive. As long as it is in our power, we will grant it to you". (AN: the king's speaking in Royal plural; us instead of I)

The one good thing about this king was that he immediately cut to the chase. If I had to deal with pointless jibber-jabber, I might've gotten irritated.

"Ah, there is one thing I'm currently in need of"

"Please speak, sir Toru"

"I'd like to have a piece of land"

"We see. Then, We-"

"Your Majesty", I interrupted him with an emotionless tone. Before the crowd could get agitated because I interrupted the King, I continued:

"I think you're misunderstanding something"

A look of confusion appeared on the King's face. He wasn't alone as everyone in the room suddenly whispered what I could possibly mean.

"I'm afraid We don't understand"

"Let me explain. It's not that I want A piece of land"

I heavily emphasized the 'A'.

"I want a piece of land I can govern myself without even the slightest interruption of others"

The King's look darkened.

"You want to... establish a new country?"

These words immediately initiated a chain of shouts. Even the prince Adam couldn't help but shout:" Preposterous! This is simply unbelievable!"

Only the king, the queen and the eldest princess were able to not reveal any heavy fluctuations on their face. The king raised his hands, calming down the crowd quite a bit. Then, he asked in a serious voice:

"If you ask this... you must have reasons, are we right? Can you... enlighten us?"

"It's just that I feel like it. Ah, but before you reject it, I might have something you're in need of"

"What would that be?"

"I heard... the war against the demon race isn't going that smoothly?"

The king's face distorted in a pained expression for a split second before returning to normal.

"You... could say that"

"Then, how about this. You saw one of mine beat that guard right? Well, he didn't even use half of his strength but he could easily beat a strong guy of your side. On top of that, he is the weakest of our group. My... proposal... is as followed. Our group will help you fight the demon army one month from now. In exchange, you give me any piece of land that is at least 100 hectare and never bother with it again. I will govern it and establish it as a new country. How about it?"

My words stunned everyone present. This... if they could have such strong people fighting on their side...


*if you don't get the reference, it's from an anime called One Punch Man.

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