Chapter 42 - They're just animals, no? (3)

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Didn't manage to reach the deadline of sunday. Maybe, because I went to the zoo yesterday. Also, from wednesday to friday this week, I'll go on a school trip to Paris. There should be wi-fi, but well yeah, I don't expect much from it. I'll post another chapter this week, but I don't know when yet. Anyway, first chapter of this week. Hope you like it!

"We'll go rest then and set out again tomorrow. At that time, I'll also start 'renovating' the village"

Hearing my words, the villagers showed hints of surprise, but also a certain amount of thankfulness. They had been living in small, crude houses until now. Having some new parts in the city could certainly help, they thought.

Elder Shin, together with two pretty cat girls bowed to us:

"Lord Toru, honourable friends of the Lord, although our housings are not worthy of your stay, please allow us to lead you to our most comfortable home"

Seeing how sincere they were, I saw no reason to decline:

"It'd be my pleasure"

The expressions of both girls and elder Shin lit up when I accepted their request, before smilingly leading us to the biggest house in the village. Right when we were going to leave, I suddenly turned around to the crowd of beastmen who were bowing at our leave:

"Ah, I want to make two things clear before I leave. One, it's not because I own this village now, you can do what you want. Murder, rape, kidnapping, violence etc. are banned. Two..."

All beastmen shot curious glances to know what my second decree would be like.

"Two, all taxes are lowered. It should be around 80% now... so I'll lower it to 5%. All gains should be written down. Taxes will be inned once a month. The details will be given one of the following days."

The crowd just stood there in a daze. They had been under the Sophetirian Empire for God knows how long, but the least taxes they've known were 60%. Even Hyven and the escorts were shocked witless. Even them, with a well-paid job and lots of prestige had to pay at least 25%...

I didn't care about the crowd anymore, so I started to trail behind elder Shin and the two good-looking cat girls. Our three guides had been shocked as well, but when they saw I just continued walking, they tried to stop their heart from bumping wildly and once again led us. 

After a short while, we arrived at a three-story building which was rather large when compared to the rest of the village. Evidently, this was elder Shin's home. He opened the door for us, but didn't enter himself. Only the cat-girls went inside. Seeing how he didn't want to enter, I asked confused:

"Elder Shin, isn't this your home? How come you don't enter?"

"Ah, Lord Toru", he sighed," This home is meant for the current Lord of the village. In absence of one, I took that role on me, but that is now unneccesary. I hope you have a good rest, Lord. If there is anything, feel free to ask Urie and Haki."

Before I could speak again, he had already turned around and left. I sighed. This old geezer... I'll build new houses tomorrow, why bother with this small thing?

Then, with the door closed, I looked at the two cat-girls standing in front of me with their heads bowed. I could faintly distinguish a blush on their white necks. 

"Please raise your heads, Urie, Haki"

Hearing my command, the two girls looked up simultaneously. 

The left girl had waist-long black hair and dark-blue eyes. She was rather short, but had a nice figure. Coupled with her black-and-blue cat ears and black tail, she looked pure and innocent, but at the same time really cute. 

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