7. Jimin

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For a girl who's name has a beautiful ring to it and matches it completely, Bianca. Enjoy!


"Third door to the right. Third door to the right," she repeated in a whisper as she walked on the flight of stairs. Her head turned to check the doors, hair swishing in the process. When she saw the intended door, she stood outside it, straightened the plaits of her skirt, gave her bag strap a squeeze and opened the door.

"Hello, I'm-" she started her introduction as soon as she cracked the door open only to be doused in water aimed straight for her face. She couldn't even open her mouth without nearly swallowing a bucket worth of water. Her hands raised instinctively in front of her face to try and stop the water assault. "Stop it!"

"Oh god," a voice yelped when he heard her muffled scream. The owner of the water hose responsible for the drenching episode flustered and tried to find the tap on it.

"No!" she yelled further. "Stop, god damn it. You're making this worse!" In his haste to stop the water, he lowered the hose, unfortunately aiming for her body. The cold water hit her squarely, raising goosebumps temporarily as she now tried to cover her body.

The water eventually stopped. Both the girl and the owner of the hose looked at each other in dismay. More like the owner was dismayed and the girl was murderous. He flinched at her stare and tried to apologise.

"I am so so sorry," he rushed towards her trying to figure out how to help this absolutely drenched girl. Her hair was sticking to her cheekbones dripping residual water from the ends. The light make-up on her face didn't seem affected but water had clearly gotten into her eyes as she tried to blink it away. From her cardigan to her skirt and shoes, there wasn't one inch of her that wasn't wet.

"What the hell were you doing?" she managed to ask him, trying extremely hard to keep her annoyance to herself. God freakin' damn it, she couldn't go anywhere like this.

"I was just cleaning the tiles," the voice apologised as she rubbed her eyes trying to open them. "I didn't think anyone would come in. No one was supposed to. I'm really sorry about this Ms...?"

"Bianca. Just call me Bianca," she sighed, trying to keep tabs on her temper. "I was directed towards this room. I wouldn't have entered it otherwise."

"You were directed towards the men's washroom?" his voice came out surprised. When she heard what he said, her eyes flung open, water in them forgotten and scanned her surroundings. He was right, this was the men's washroom. Shit. Her eyes finally zoomed in on the guy in front of her who was looking at her sceptically.

"Oh my god," she gasped, her voice coming out faint. "You're Jimin." Her heart beat a loud thump as she realised who she had been casually conversing with up till that point.

"Ah yes," Jimin smiled bashfully as his hand raised automatically to rub the nape of his neck. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Jimin from BTS." He bowed to greet her only to notice that most of her clothes were becoming transparent. His eyes became huge orbs and a pronounced red captured his cheeks. "Uh-um..."

Bianca was going to say something in return but noticed his change of expression. She followed his gaze to her chest and saw her baby pink bra showing against her coral blue cardigan. Even the soft white top underneath had gone transparent. Blood came rushing up to her face as her hands quickly reached out to cover her chest. "I- uh, I should- I should just go."

"Wha-" Jimin realised how embarrassed she must've been and averted his eyes in an instant. He heard voices outside the door and before Bianca could leave, he reached out and held her arm pulling her back slightly.

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