9. JiHope

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For a very beautiful Batul


"It's my turn today!" Hoseok whispered in a hushed persistent tone. Him and Jimin were busy trying to discuss their plans for the day behind a pillar so that they wouldn't be found.

"I refuse," Jimin argued. "We agreed it was mine."

"What the hell are you two doing?!" Namjoon looked at them with amusement.

"Uh," the latter two laughed hesitantly as they stepped out from behind the pillar.

"And you wonder where these shippings come from," Namjoon shook his head, waiting for an explanation.

"No no! It's not like that!" Jimin shook his head vigorously. "We were just-"

"Trying to figure out which of us spends the day with Batul," Hoseok completed.

Namjoon smirked. "Aw look, they're finishing each other's sentences."

"What? No!" Jimin denied, seemingly mute for Namjoon's ears.

"Denial is the first step to accepting feelings," Jin laughed as he walked passed the trio in the corridor.

"Oh hush hyung," Hoseok huffed, looking at the ground. "We were trying to figure out who gets to spend the day with her."

"Any special occasion?" Jin smiled at the two.

"Nothing special," Jimin scratched the back of his head. "It's a holiday for us as well and Batul's been having a crazy stressed out time with her exams and home. We just wanted to give her a break."

"So why only one of you?" Jungkook popped into the conversation.

"So we can hog her all to ourselves," they laughed nervously.

"Just spend the day together," Yoongi called from the other end of the corridor.

"Yeah!" Taehyung laughed, absolutely delighted with the suggestion.

"Wha-" Jimin stammered as he looked between his group mates.

"Why are all of you participating in this conversation?" Hoseok looked incredulous, his voice rising in disbelief.

The rest of the group laughed it off and told them to go to her and let her decide who she wants to spend the day with before the day got over.

"Jesus, you could have just stayed at home and spent time with anyone else," Hoseok grumbled as they walked up to Batul's home.

"Why couldn't you?!" Jimin argued back as they rang the doorbell and stood on her porch.

"Hey guys!" A rushed Batul welcomed the two as she opened the door. Her face looked surprised and she hadn't managed to get the flour completely off her face or her clothes.

"Hey Batul!" They laughed and self invited themselves inside her house, getting comfortable. "Been cooking?"

"Baking actually," she laughed, realizing the left flour on herself and dusting it off. "Muffins will be ready in 10, they're cooling down."

"Good," Jimin smiled. "Enough time for you to go get ready."

"Ready for?" She looked over, surprised.

"A small picnic," Hoseok laughed as he pushed her to her room. "We'll look after the muffins. Just go change!"

"Wha- I, wait!" Batul tried protesting but to no avail. She walked into her bedroom and sighed. She changed her clothes and got cleaned up, putting on light makeup.

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