Chapter XXII: The Dark Lord

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Sorry (not sorry 😜) about the cliffhanger in the previous chapter! I just couldn't resist. To make up for that, here's a quick update. Enjoy!

Sirius knew something was wrong. He had caught Harry's scent outside the door, thanks to his Animagus abilities. If Harry had heard the conversation it meant that he was going to do something utterly foolish, brave and reckless.

He'd come outside to find them gone. That had been expected. The boy's scent got weaker and weaker before finally dissolving totally. He was angry at Dumbledore for deciding to leave now, in the hour of need. What could possibly be so bloody important that he had to leave now? The old man wasn't there and so, all the other Professors had given up but not him.

He wasn't Albus Dumbledore but he was Sirius Black and had been a senior Auror and that was good enough. He knew how much Harry liked the Weasleys and would be devastated if the youngest one died.

All Sirius could do now was hope that his son wasn't up to anything dangerous. He knew that wasn't likely because of the worry gnawing at his insides. Sirius went to the Great Hall to find that Harry wasn't there. He hadn't been surprised though. He couldn't think of any other place either. Sirius wanted to transform into Padfoot and track Harry's scent but there were so many students in the halls that it would be difficult, nearly impossible to sniff out one particular person.

He went to the Gryffindor common room but the boy was not there either.  The man saw Fred and George sitting on a sofa, quietly talking. The look on their faces told him that they didn't know anything about their sister's disappearance. They wouldn't have to. Ginny wouldn't die. An idea suddenly popped up in his head. "Mr. Weasley, could you please give me the map," he said, approaching the twins.

Normally, the two of them would've made some funny comment but one look at Sirius' stormy eyes and taut expression shut them up. Wordlessly, George handed over the Marauder's map. "I just need it for a minute." Sirius added, seeing the disappointment on their faces.

He tapped the map with his wand and said the required words. His eyes scanned every inch of the map, trying to find the tag that said 'Harry Potter'. Sirius narrowed his eyes when he finally found the name. Both Harry and Ron were in Myrtle's bathroom. The Animagus remembered going there when he had been a student. The Marauders would go there to plan. It was an abandoned place so it was the best place to work out pranks. No one was there other than Moaning Myrtle and she more or less left them to their work.

What in the world were the two boys doing there?

Harry was falling. He couldn't make out anything in the darkness. The only thing he was very much aware of was that they were plummeting into the Chamber of Secrets at a million miles an hour. Their screams echoed through the endless darkness. His hand brushed against Ron's arm as he flailed to steady himself before they hit the ground. Not wanting to lose himself or his best mate in their pitch black surroundings, he grabbed the other boy's arm as firmly as he could.

Harry could hear Ron yelling something but wasn't able to make out the words. When he thought they would never reach the end, he saw a dim light coming from below. "RON! We've reached the end!" He screamed, hoping his friend would understand. As they neared the bottom, Harry's fingers found something narrow and long– like a pipe. To prevent themselves from falling face down onto the floor, Harry scrambled to find purchase against the rusted pipe.

He managed to get a grip on the metal. One hand gripped the pipe while the other held Ron's arm. Harry could make out the faint, old grey tiles from where they were hanging. The fall wouldn't kill them now since they were only five feet or so above the ground.

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