Chapter LI: The Firebolt

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"Potter, on the grounds in an hour! Don't be late!" Oliver Wood barked before he all but flew past Harry and towards the Weasley twins, probably to deliver the same orders.

Ron suppressed a groan. "Come on, it's a Saturday and it's a Hogsmeade weekend. Does he honestly expect the team to be there?"

"Ron, this is Oliver Wood you're talking about. If it were up to him, I'd be skipping classes, food, sleep and all other basic human needs to train. You two go on without me. Wood will skin me alive if I don't make it on time. Besides, I really want to win against Hufflepuff."

He just wanted to win. To prove to himself that he deserved his spot on the team.

"Actually Ronald, we needn't go as well.
You are already late for Snape's essay and if you don't turn it in this time, you're bound to land up in detention."

Ron was about to open his mouth to vehemently protest, when a letter landed in front of Harry.

He tore open the envelope eagerly.

Hey pup,

Just wanted to let you know that I'm proud of you. Remus told me about the patronus. Brilliant work there, kiddo.

You haven't opened that mirror yet, Harry James. I suggest you do it soon.

Hope you're taking care of yourself, Merlin knows you're a thick-skulled boy. Don't skip any meals, get enough sleep and have fun. Stay out of trouble, pup. I'm far too young and handsome for (anymore) grey hair.

Stay safe. Love you, kid.

-Marauder extraordinaire.

Harry cracked a fond smile at the man's words and reminded himself to open that mirror Sirius had given him at the beginning of the term. He'd never gotten around to opening it since it always managed to slip his mind.

Although he loved Quidditch, playing with the school brooms was harder than he'd thought. More than hard, it was frustrating. The school brooms were old, slow and rusty in their functions.

The Nimbus had spoiled him and now it was gone.

With a sigh, Harry got up from the table and took off towards the pitch, leaving his two best friends to bicker.


"I was the victim of an ambush this morning," Regulus complained when he walked into Sirius' office that afternoon.

"How lovely. Feel free to regale me with the details." His lips instinctively curved into a smirk. If only Reg knew that Sirius was also an active, albeit absent member of this ambush.

"I'd gone to Malfoy Manor since Narcissa had invited me over for breakfast. She wanted to know how Draco was doing in his lessons, so I went over. Andromeda was there too. Turns out breakfast was less about Draco's progress and more about those two ganging up on me."

"Whatever about?" He asked, trying and failing to contain the large grin that was threatening to take over his face.

"The two of them wanted to set me up with one of Andi's friends younger sister. I told them it w— why are you grinning like that? You knew they were going to coerce me into it, didn't you? I should've known something was off when Cissa only wanted to see me and not the both of us."

"Guilty as charged," Sirius replied. "You should go though, it'll be good."

Regulus shot Sirius a betrayed look. "Right. Good. Because you dived right back into the dating pool the moment you were acquitted. When was the last time you asked a woman out?"

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