Chapter VI

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                                                                                Chapter VI


“Neave! So glad you could join us.” Maura said excitedly.

“Thank you for inviting us.” I said as I help Neil with his jacket. “Say hi to grandma Maura boys.” I said. Maura look up at me, surprised. “They said ‘mommy’ today.” Maura face lit up as she was happy about it.

“Hi, gyanma mo-umm.. mommy?” Noel turn to me, asking me to help him. Neil could only say ‘mommy’. “Mommy!” he said jumping up with his hand in the air making everyone awe in cuteness. I smile pat their head. “Grandma Maura.” I helped Noel. “gyanma moya!” he said making everyone smile and giggled.

“Hi little Noel.” Maura said picking him up. Noel shake his body, not wanting to be carry, Maura put him down and look at me. “Thank you.” She said again. I just nod. The boys ran to the fireplace to warm themselves. Denise place Theo with them as they play together while we prepare dinner. Barbara flew to my arm when she saw me, everyone turn to us, surprised to see we go along just fine.

“Now, when did this happen?” Niall asked. We just shrug and smile. Niall raise his eyebrow then smiles at us. “Now boy, why don’t you get plates while we get the food.” Barbara said pulling me and Denise in the kitchen where my mom and Maura at. “I’ll take care of the kids.” Said Greg, escaping from doing chores. “Me too!” Niall said. I turn my head to Niall as he smiles at me. “I love Neil and Noel, they are so cute and beautiful like their mother.”

My heart melts hearing him said that with his smile. “Really?” I ask. He nodded and smile widely to me. “They like you too. They don’t really let anyone carry them specially mans.” I said. “I’m honor to be first!” he said smiling and went running towards the boys, pretending to be a monster, wanting to catch them. Noel and Neil was laughing happily playing with him. Tears floated my eyes, making my view blurry.

“See, told you.” Barbara whisper, resting her head on my shoulder. “You have to take that risk Neave.”

I turn my head and Barbara just smile at me, she turn away and disappear into the kitchen, Denise, Maura and my mom smiles knowingly at me. I just smile at them and turn my attention back to my boys. My dad came along next to me, with a camera in his hand. I turn to him as he hand me the camera. “Memories are best to be keep in your head but also in a picture. Go on, you wouldn’t want miss anything.”

I smile and nod. I took the camera from him and start clicking on the button, taking every picture of them together. When Niall saw me taking picture of them, he smiles and lift both of the boys up and asked me to take picture of them. “1… 2… 3…”


It was a perfect picture, they have the same smile. In the picture Noel and Neil was laughing happily in his arm. Their dad’s arm. I didn’t stop, I took as much picture as I can. My princes in one picture, love of my life.


“Neave stay would you?” Barbara asked. “Niall can send you home later. Stay and let’s hang out.”

I turn my head to my parents and just when my mother was about to say something, my dad cut her off. “Yeah, stay. Leave the boys with us.” I look up at my dad and gave him a disapproval look, so did my mom. “But-“ “We better go now. Neil has been yawning and Noel is about to fall asleep.” My dad said cutting me off.

I look at the boys and finally nod. My parents left with the boys, leaving me at the Horan’s. I turn to Barbara as she smirk at me. “So what are your plan?” I ask. “Champagne!” she cried. I cupped her mouth as she was too loud. “Theo is a sleep.” I remind her. Niall laughed and scolded her for being to loud. “Yeah, remind me of someone.” I said mockingly.

“Well yeah but I’m not as loud as she is!” Niall defending himself. I just nod. “Yeah whatever you say big guy.” I quoted one of their script in best song ever music video. “AHA! So you’re a fan!” I punch his chest and he cried in pain. “Theo is sleeping!” I remind him again. He rub his chest and apologize for being loud.

“Champagne is here!” Barbara said as she came out from the kitchen.

“You kids have fun. We’re off to bed.” Maura said as she and her husband disappear from our view.

At first it was just the three of us, later than Greg and Denise joined us and we had a great laugh. Niall had opened his present that Barbara bought for him. It was a VIP ticket to see the golf tournament next year. Niall is a fan of golf, and it was a perfect present for him. He then opened up his present from Greg and Denise. It was guitar pick with his face and name on it. He laughed at is as Greg said he had no idea what to get him. That was the only thing he could think of.

Denise and Barbara had gone to bed hours ago, leaving me, Greg and Niall. “I better get some sleep now. It’s 3am. You should just sleep here Neave. Niall can drop you of tomorrow morning.” Greg said. I just nod and wished him good night. He went up, leaving me and Niall alone.

“You’re not tired yet?” I ask.

“No. Are you?” he asked.                

I nod and yawn. I lay down on the couch as Niall lean his back at the couch, staring at me with his beautiful light blue eyes. He got up from his seat and sat on the floor, in front of me. “What do you want Nialler?” I asked, sleepily.

“Merry Christmas Neave.” He whisper.

“Merry Christmas Niall.”

With that he lean down and kissed me on the lips. 3 years, it has been 3 years since I’ve been kissed or kiss anyone. It felt like yesterday we were kissing, different but the feelings are the same. He kissed me hungrily as if he’s trying to suck the life out of me. I push him gently, allowing me to catch my breath. “Barbara and I are just friends” he explain.

“I know.” I whisper. “I’m tired Niall.”

“Close your eyes and sleep. I’ll be here, I won’t leave. I’ll be here by your side. Just like old time. You and me, together as one.”

“You and me, Neave. Together as one.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2014 ⏰

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