The funeral

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Karkats POV

A few days ago...of friend of mine died...and also a loved heart was heavy about the thought.She was...the best...and it hurt me to know that she wasn't coming back.I was full of sorrow that day and looked at some old high school pictures. It was only yesterday I could remember that smile of hers...I smiled softly....but that smile only turned into a frown only to drown myself in tears.


Vriskas POV

Alex...My best friend...she always hated anything that crawled on her...but around me she wasn't afraid...She always led a helping hand out to me when I needed it...

-Flash back-


Eridan was holding out a tarantula to a little girl with pig tails,she seemed afraid of it and was screaming and crying.No one payed no heed but me...and I couldn't watch mr snoozy pants to bully her. I stepped up tapping his shoulder.


Eridan looked at me dropping the spider on the floor letting it crawl away helplessly.The girl was cringed up in the corner only to sniffle.I walked over to her letting my long black hair flow behind me as I walked.

"It's okay...He's gone now...and so is the spider...but spiders aren't bad you know"

She looked at me with wide eyes as if I where her hero.She smiled brightly

"My names Vriska!"

I held my hand out to her as she grabbed it slowly,as she grabbed my hand I pulled her to her feet.

"And i'm Alex!Best friends?"

I gave a nod making us both fist pump.


Ever since then...we've been best friends...i've defended her and she defended me....and now...she's gone.I collapsed on the floor tearing up only to let my fist bang on the floor.

Gamzees POV

She was my best friend gf...She taught me that friends can be lovers but also your best friend.I loved her and I still and always will love her.She gave me hope and strength in my worst times.Even when my parents hardly talked to me and just left me to get drunk.She was always beside me through it all.I I sat next to her coffin only to see her beautiful sleeping face.I placed my hands on the casket and silently cried on it.

" peace...Alex...."

She was their...and I couldn't help but think about her....I love...her..and always will.Those last words echoed in my mind.

"I'll always be with you in my where always my best friend...."

Then...she died in my arms...and I cried...uncontrollably and got drunk that night.Every time I look over I was her their...saying be strong...and I did...I stopped drinking and smiled to her.

Terezi's POV

This...was my fault...i've hated her because...everyone liked her...I wanted to be her she was gone.If only sooner I realized how much anger and jealousy I had withing me.I blamed myself everyday to only look at myself in the mirror and think about what I have done.I have nightmares...every night now...and I couldn't bare to go to the funeral...but Gamzee and Karkat told me It was to ask for forgiveness.Every night...I'd i'm sorry.In heart...I knew me and her could be friends...cause...she understood...and had no envy for me.I was going to steal Gamzee from her...but their love was true and pure and I couldn't take that away from them.

Sollux POV

I stood by Gamzee placing my hand on his shoulder.I did this because...along time ago...This was how Alex comforted me.

-Flashback5 years ago-

I sat in the rain crying because my parents yelled at me for being hedochromic..and different.I hugged my knees only to yell at anyone who went near me.

"I hate my eyes!I HATE THEM!"

I felt a hand on my shoulder as a girl knelt down to my level to only smile at me.She took off my red and blue glasses and chuckled.

"You shouldn't be afraid to be yourself just because everyone else hates it.I think your eyes are a special gift."

My eyes widen at the girl...She was the silent girl in my math class.Everyone bullied her...and she didn't mind it.I gave a smile to her hugging her tightly as I knew was okay to be myself.


I stood by Gamzee...and looked at him then at Alex's coffin.

"Gamzee...She's in a better place...sleeping...away..I know maybe one day...she'll come down and watch over us."

Gamzee stopped looking over at me

"She's already in a better place Sollux...she's always watching us..."

After those words...We placed flowers on her coffin closing it...The next day...she was going to be buried...I didn't take it well...I cried...and so did everyone else..She was amazing...but I heard some voice around me.

"I'm here...Don't cry...I'm with all of you..."

Then it vanished and I knew that Alex was really watching over us.I stopped crying and smiled only to whisper.

"Thank you Alex...Rest in peace..."

(Thank you so much for reading my book and thank you for 1,000 reads now I can ressume my other books and make the heir of the throne one )

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