Twenty Eight~Ditto Babe

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I opened my eyes and looked at the white ceiling. I looked down at the side and Corey was holding my hand and with his face down on the bed. He was here for me...I loved this loyal freak.

I tightened my grasp on his hand and he jolted up. "SJ!", he yelled. "Corey, I love you, but lower your voice. What's going on anyway?", I asked.

"I'll get the doctor and explain everything.", he said gently. I nodded and watched him walk away. God, what's happened? Not even a minute later Corey came back with a doctor. The doctor checked me over and left to call my family. "What's happened Cor?", I asked facing him. He was at a loss for words.

"We--you, me , Ralph and Ellie--were at the house and somebody knocked on the door. We opened it...and....", he started. " was a preacher...and...he said he needed help so we let him in...and when we did...he um, he got a knife out of his pocket. He attacked you and hurt Ralph a little, but mostly you. We pulled him of you looked like Prom Queen Carrie....all the blood. We called the cops, got you here. Rest is history.", he said.

"How long was I asleep?, I asked. "3 days...", he said fiddling with his paper airplane necklace that was just like mine. "Well....I see I have lots of flowers.", I said marveling at the bouquets and balloons. "Yeah, you sure do.", Corey said laughing. He got up to look out the window.

"God, thank God that your okay.", he said walking back to me. He kept eyeing my neck. "You got a mirror, Corey?", I asked.

He opened the drawer next to the bed and rummaged threw the it until he found a contact with a mirror. He handed it to me and I opened it to see what he was looking at.

My eyes--still green and black, nothing new. My face was still without blemish and something at the bottom of my mirror caught my eye. A scar, running across my neck. Jesus.....he slit open my throat! I'm never gonna be able to cover that up!

I let tears fall down my face and dropped the mirror on the bed. "SJ....I love you. Your beautiful.", Corey said seeing my clear pain. "I wanna go home.", I said looking of into space.

"Okay.", Corey said.


That night Corey drove me home. He held my hand and that made me feel better. "I ever get my hands on that guy I'm gonna kill him.", I heard Corey mumble to himself. "Don't. I can't have you in jail.", I said playfully making him smile.

"You'd better call Ellie when you get back...she has big news!", Corey reported. I smirked and laughed. "They gettin married or something?", I asked. Corey turned to look at me. "Who told you?", he asked.

"Wait! Wait! They are getting married?!", I asked excitedly. "Yeah! And...don't tell I told you...but your the maid of honor.", he whispered. I smiled. "I wonder who my maid of honor is gonna be..", I said.

"You mean at our wedding?", he asked. I smiled. "No, at mine and James Deans wedding!", I said sarcastically. He scoffed and laughed. "Your gonna marry a dead man over my wonderful and handsome self?!", he asked joking but laughed at himself.

"Yeah, he's great and all......but...I think your better at talking to. Probably because your not dead...and because I love you.", I said smiling at him. "Ditto babe.", he said.


Once home, I was the center of attention. I told everyone I loved them and I was tired so I went upstairs to sleep. Really, I took a shower and cried. Why'd this happen? I stopped crying and got out of the shower. I got dressed and really tried to sleep.


I woke up to the phone beside my bed ringing. "Hello?", I asked half asleep.

"SJ! Thanks god your okay!", Ellie said as her accent pierced the air. "Corey said you have big news. Spill it.", I said as I pulled the phone along so I could find something to wear. "I'm getting MARRIED!", she said and I jumped up and down. "I'm the new Cupid. When's the wedding?! I have so many questions!", I said excitedly.

According to Ellie, the weddings in a week, she had a dress and I'm the maid of honor.

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