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After a long time of walking, we sat in the grass tired of walking. "Good gosh SJ! I thought you where being dramatic when you said that Texas was a whole lot of nothing and fields!" "Can we just take a break, maybe a car or something will come along? Not that I agree with hitchhiking", I said leaning on him. Corey's head rested on mine. "How far? Do you know?" I laughed a little. "With our luck? Few more miles. Maybe 7, 8."

We sat talking for maybe 10 more minutes. Headlights filled the night air and we stood up. We waved at the car, hoping for directions or help. The car stopped and we walked over. The man in the car rolled the window down. "Hi kids. Need help? Need a ride?", he said. Corey and I looked at each other. A priest. This guy was a priest.
"Um...we need to know if you know if there are any motels are around or anything like that." The creepy priest smiled and chuckled. "I can take you to one." I didn't feel comfortable with this. "Can we take this over?" I whispered in Corey's ear. "Can me and my girlfriend talk for a minute?" The creepy priest smiled. "Take all the time you need."

Corey and I walked back over to where we where sitting before. "I don't like this! I got a bad feeling,", I said. Corey put his hands on my shoulders. "If you don't feel like this is right, then we won't go with this creep. He is pretty creepy. I'd never make you do anything you don't want to do. If we gotta walk, then we walk. It's fine by me." He smiled. "There's nobody else I'd walk with." I felt the blushing cover my face. We walked back to the car and Corey very politely declined the offer. 

Thus, we walked. The faint lights of a window caught my eye like Corey when I first laid eyes on Corey. "Look!", I yelled and grabbed my boyfriend by the hand and ran to it.

Houses! Thank God. I looked around and Corey caught his breath. An inn! "Corey! It's an inn. A place to stay!", I said. He smiled. "Then let's go!" We raced up to the door. A woman, 70 Looking, opened the door. "Hi! I'm Sarah-Jane Swayze, and this is the love of my life Corey Haim. Our car broke down and we need a place to stay. Can you help us please ma'am?" She laughed. "Of course children! Come in!" She opened the door and hurried us inside. "Welcome to Starry Night Inn!", she said. She was so sweet. She got us checked in and gave us a room.

I fell down on my bed. So tired of this day. Corey laid beside me and laughed. "We didn't die", he said. I giggled. "Thanks for not dying on me", he said. I playfully slapped his arm. "Your the only reason I didn't." Corey reached over and turned of the light. There was only one bed. Corey got up and grabbed a few blankets off the end of the bed. "What are you doing?" He laughed. "I'm making a bed for myself." I scoffed. "Babe, your funny. Cute and funny. We can share this one." He smiled and raised on eyebrow. "Really? Like, your dad would freak." Corey, you gotta understand, is a bit scared of my dad. "Corey, your not sleeping on the floor. And, my dad won't know unless you tell. I'll make a pillow wall between us if it makes you feel better." We took turns changing into pjs and settled down. I climbed over Corey and slipped under the covers next to him. "Night night, I love you", I said. He wrapped one arm around me, "I love you to, sweet dreams!"

We didn't wake up early. Considering we where walking all day. I got up around 11:30. I got ready and skipped down stairs. I inhaled the sent of coffee. I was greeted by a beautiful young girl.

"Hi!", she said lovingly.  "Hi. Let's be friends!", I said offering my hand.

Memoirs Of A Few Misguided TeenagersWhere stories live. Discover now