Chapter 4 - BelindaPeters-Waine

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Chapter Four was written by BelindaPeters-Waine


Sweat dripped from my forehead, down my neck and soaked into my t-shirt as I continued to run the last mile on the treadmill. I hadn't planned to spend my morning in the gym, but when I realised I had only been once this week, I knew I had better get my ass there and get a workout in.

My legs burned, my chest heaved, and I knew I was going to ache like a bitch the next day, or maybe even later, when my muscles relaxed. When classes started back up, I knew that I'd have to get my ass back into a routine and make training and classes my number one priority.

The last few weeks, I'd taken advantage of the free time to work on my jeep and bike, restoring the engines and replacing old parts with new. Taking something old and making it new could be done, you've just gotta give them the tender loving care they deserved.

The treadmill started beeping at me, letting me know I'd hit the seven-mile mark and my target for the day. I slowed my run to a walk, calming my racing heart and sucking much-needed air into my lungs.

Picking up my water bottle, I gulped over half of it down, knowing that I shouldn't as I'd most likely get a stitch. However, I needed water, so I drank the fucking water.

When the treadmill came to a stop, I collected my shit and made my way back to my room. It wasn't a long walk and soon enough, I was in the bathroom on our floor and getting into the shower.

I used a loofa—yes, a loofa. I loved my loofa; don't fucking judge—to wash my body and then used my shampoo to wash my hair before standing under the hot spray and relaxing my muscles. I'd be aching tomorrow, but I knew I'd be fine.

Getting out, I wrapped a towel around my waist, grabbed my shower bag and went straight for my room, drying off and dressing in black slacks, a white shirt and my blazer. School hadn't officially started yet for the year, including classes, but it was important to continue following the rules.

Going over to the mirror, I threw a glance at my reflection but quickly did a double take. "Oh fuck no," I muttered, leaning closer towards my reflection. My blood started to boil through my veins. "I'm going to fucking kill him."

I raised my hand, picking up one of the longer strands on the top of my head. I rubbed the strands of hair between my fingers, a look of disgust on my face. The once dark brown locks were a silver grey colour. "This better not be fucking permanent."

I turned from the mirror and went to the door of my room, pulling it open. My room was the last one down the hall of the floor my brothers and I shared, right at the bottom, and I didn't hesitate to stamp my feet like a fucking child as I went banging on Luke's door a few down from me. "Luke, open the fuck up you piece of shit."

The door next door to Luke opened and my eyes narrowed on the laughing person stepping out of his room. "This isn't funny, asshole."

He continued to laugh like a hyena and I continued to scowl. I walked by him, quickly fisting my hand and laying a punch into his arm. It's like the fucker didn't even feel it, as by the time I got in the elevator, the asshole was still fucking laughing from down our hall.

I'm going to hunt my asshole brother down and rip him a new one and then rip the hyena a new one, no doubt he's been a part of this, too.


I didn't have to go far in search of the person responsible for the mess of my hair, and honestly, I was thankful. I didn't want anyone—anyone—seeing my hair like that and lucky for me, I didn't see anyone as I walked across campus to the classroom building.

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