Chapter 7 - LABoruff

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Chapter 4 was written by LABoruff


"I understand, Mr. Buble." I set the phone down and adjusted my already straight tie. The urge to tap my pen on my desk was strong, but I'd long since eradicated that nervous habit. Control was paramount, especially when alone. When we are alone, our true selves come forth.

What are we going to do with a bird? This is going to be a disaster. I need to schedule a private meeting with Kota and Sean to get in front of this before she disrupts our team dynamic. I tucked my phone and keys into my pocket to go find my latest stressor.

My bedroom and office were situated at the end of the hallway containing all of my team's rooms, so I had a short walk. I fiddled with my tie one more time and smoothed my eyebrows before tapping on door 310. There was no answer, so I knocked harder. Still nothing. I sighed and moved to the bathroom.

I cracked the door and called inside, "Miss Sorenson? Are you in the restroom?" Nothing answered me except the echoes of my own voice. Rather than searching the campus for a lone bird I'd not even seen yet, I pulled out my phone and started a group text.

Owen: Does anyone have eyes on Miss Sorenson?

Gabriel: Sang? She's fucking great. I left her in her room about a half hour ago—band practice.

Owen: Language, Mr. Coleman. If anyone sees Miss Sorenson, please let me know. It is time I introduced myself.

Sean: Don't scare her, Owen. She's already a little spooked.

North: I can go look for her.

Owen: That's not necessary, Mr. Taylor. I will look myself.

Switching over to a private text, I sent Sean a message

Owen: You don't give me enough credit.

Sean: I give you too much credit.

I slipped my phone back into the inside pocket of my suit jacket and headed for the stairs. I would stop off for a cup of coffee. I could use the brace of a little extra caffeine today. My work was cut out for me, acclimating a bird to our team.

I'd filled my travel mug and was about to put in a splash of french vanilla creamer when a soft voice startled me.

"Oh, hello. I was looking for a bottle of water." My arm jerked hard enough to pour more than a splash. I placed the creamer back into the refrigerator and turned to face the person who managed to startle me. I felt justified in my curiosity: only Luke had ever accomplished that feat.

"I presume you are Miss Sang Sorenson?" Her small, full lips curled up into a charming smile, but her eyes told another story. She was wary and curious to know how I knew her name.

"I am."

She did not ask my name. Interesting.

"I'm Owen Blackbourne. You are living on my team's floor. I believe you've met a few of my brothers already." I held my hand out. Her delicate hand fit inside mine as though sized for me. I looked down at her nails, unpolished but shiny. As I released her hand, my gaze was caught by her hair.

Gabriel is going to have a fit to get his hands on her hair. This bird really is going to be a problem.

"You've had a tour of the campus?" It was difficult to look away from her hair, but when I settled on those scared eyes, my thoughts scattered.

"I have." Her voice was barely above a whisper.

I was going to ask her something else... what was it?

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