Chapter 6 - BLTS2004

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Chapter 6 was written by BLTS2004


The ringer on my phone was going off, but I didn't fucking care. I just wanted sleep. I'd been up most of the night dying North's silvery locks back to his usual black. It wouldn't have been so bad if Luke had followed my directions, but he'd used the wrong dye. I'd had to give North a haircut to remove most of the chemical damage. He'd looked badass before. Now he just looked like a scary fucker. If North hadn't already kicked Luke's ass, I would have. On top of that, Kota had assigned us an hour for the whole thing. I'd just made it back from the sports complex, and if it wasn't an emergency worthy of a redline, whoever was calling could wait. It was all fun and games until I didn't get any fucking sleep.

Most of the guys would be in the showers, washing off the sweat from the workout. I know the drills were supposed to bring us together, and it usually did. Kota had the team's best interests at heart, and I had been involved in the prank. Once I had a nap and a shower, I was sure I'd be more appreciative. Feel all warm and fuzzy inside or some shit. I really hoped that North remembered to not wash his hair with his shampoo. I hadn't thrown the one that was tampered with away. I didn't want to have to shave him bald. We'd have to get him a skullcap for when he rode his bike. I cringed and then chuckled at the thought.

I started practicing my chords air guitar style. We were supposed to get together for our weekly band practice in a few hours in the empty room down the hall. I had more than enough time to grab a power nap and a quick shower. The manscaping could wait a day, and I'd just done my brows the day before, so a quick in and out would work. I settled in for some sleep.

When my phone rang again, I swore. Without looking at who had called, I answered. "Who's dying?"

"Is that supposed to be a hair joke?"

"Shut the fuck up, Luke." If anyone else had dyed their hair, I'd fucking lose my shit.

He laughed. "Kota says you aren't answering his calls."

"I'm not. I'm sleeping." I yawned.

"You usually aren't so chatty in your sleep."

I grunted. "Luke, I swear to god, I will kick your ass—"

"For real, Gabe, are you pissed at Kota? Is that why you didn't answer when he called?" When his usual happy-go-fucking-lucky got all serious, I knew he needed me to be straight up with him. I groaned.

"I'm fine. Just tired. I'll call him later and talk to him. Last night was my night off, and instead of sleeping, I was playing stylist to your grumpy ass brother. North needs another round of anger management before I touch his hair again."

Maybe North would say thanks when I saw him later at practice, but I'd settle for an apology for punching me. I rubbed at my bicep over the bruise that had formed. Violent asshole. The guy lost his shit way too easily. It would be the last I help Luke with a prank. Especially since he hadn't done what I told him to do.

Either way, I'd rather fix his hair than have some beauty school drop-out make the mess even bigger. Or worse, let North try to fix it himself. My brother knew his shit when it came to cars, but he'd be lost without me when it came to his hair and clothes. I'd given up the fight on color years ago—he could pull off the all black bad boy motorcycle cliché anyway. It was him—but he listened to my advice about fabrics and textures.

My mind starting working a hundred miles a minute. North's whole style would need to be softened a bit so he wouldn't be outright scary now that his hair was was less Bon Jovi and more Russell Crowe circa 2000. Although, if any of the guys could pull off the whole Gladiator look, it would be North. Maximus for Halloween with a breastplate and that metal skirt thing. That would be fucking cool as shit! His hair would probably grown out by then, though.

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