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It's been so many year. I have forgotten what your voice sounds like, but I will never forget how reassuring it was to hear. I don't remember much, but I do remember your light brown eyes. I remember your kindness, and how it touched everyone around you. Not long ago I met two guys who used to live down the street. They told me that they used to come to our house so excited, because you always gave them rhubarb dipped in sugar, something you also used to give us. When I told them what happened to you they became sad, and I did too, but also happy, because no one had talked about you in years. I remember your generosity. You gave me a milkshake machine, but I used it so much I ruined it, and a small teddy bear pony your last christmas with us. Those are the things I remember most, and those caramels you always gave me that only you and I liked. I remember how strong you were. Even thought your husband was cheating on you, you stayed with him through your last days to keep everyone oblivious, and happy, because you knew they would go through hell after you left. I remember sitting in your lap the last day were alive, and I remember being afraid that I would crush your legs because of how fragile you looked. Most of all I remember how the world was a much better place with you in it, and I know after you left all went downhill, and it is still going in that direction so many years later. I know everything would be better with you here, because it always was. I tried so hard to figure out why you were the one that had to leave, because everything happens for a reason, right? I finally think I know why when it comes to me. You are everything I desire to be as a women. Independent, strong, kind, and generous. Even after all these years, you are, and will forever remain the type of women I want to become.

- endless_styles

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