I dont know what to do

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Rileys pov:
I felt my phone vibrate on my back pocket. I pulled it out.it was a text message, from a unknown number . It read: uhhhh why are you even still here,don't you get the hint that no one wants you.your a stupid idiot whose a massive goof ball and a clutz. You think your unique but your not.everyone just tells you that because we all feel so sorry for you. Everyone's sick of hearing your problems you ugly weirdo why don't you let someone else have a chance?bye idiot
I stopped reading. Is this really what people think of me? Do I really get in the way that much?Is everything always about me?Am I really that stupid and ugly? I replied
:who are you?why are oh doing this?
I press sent and go to put my phone but I get a instant reply.
(The bully's text message)
Who am I? Oh dear Riley, I am your worst nightmare.as for why I am doing it,we are all tired of having to live in Riley town.your ugly fat and weired your in the way of where I'm looking,maybe if you weren't so fat this wouldn't be a problem. See you never freak.
I pushed my phone in my pocket and looked straight ahead.i continued waking untill I reached school.great! The place I don't want to be I have to come to everyday. Maya will be there my "bully" will be there. I have no one I just wish I could go home.
I felt my phone go off again:
Really our going to ignore me,or have li just left our phone in your back pocket and when you say down it smashed because of how fat you are. Haven't you took the hint yet I think that you should just kill your self!
See ya freak!
I leaned back against my locker.
I really don't know what to do

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