Flowerpots and Ripped Trousers

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Saying that escorting Mr.Byun home was an easy task, would have been a big, fat lie. How he managed to get his foot stuck in the flowerpot and rip his trousers open would be a question I could never answer; I honestly didn't know.

"Come on!" Kyungsoo whispered and shoved me out of the kitchen.

Mr.Byun was done drawing on the tablecloth. He now found interest in the candlelight and started to try poking the little flame. My eyes widened and I ran up to him.

"Mr.Byun! You will hurt yourself, please stop."

The brown haired male froze and looked up at me. He let his eyes wander up and down my body, obviously checking me out. I felt my cheeks starting to redden and I cleared my throat awkwardly. Pleased with the sight of the male in front of him, Mr.Byun gave me a dazzling smirk.

"Chanyeolleeee!" he squealed and held his arms out, clearly expecting a hug. I tried not to blush over the stupid nickname he suddenly called me.


"Aish, call me Bakhyun! Mr.Byun makes me feel so old." He rolled his eyes at me and slung his arm around my shoulder. I tensed up under his touch. He smelled like alcohol and little of roses. Baekhyun started to giggle into my neck and tried to hug me once more.

"Ah, Baekhyun. Let's get you home, okay?"

Baekhyun shook his head slowly and then proceeded to snuggle closer to my body, literally glued to my body. I chuckled and started to drag him with me out of the restaurant. The smaller male made some weak protests but he was too drunk to really be a hindrance for me.

"Let's get you a taxi, okay?"



Baekhyun pouted at me and took my hand in his. His hand was surprisingly soft and warm. The butterflies in my stomach started to go crazy.

"You said you would escort me home!"

Did I say butterflies? More like dinosaurs!

"I will take the taxi with you and see to it that you will get home safely, alright Baekhyun?"

Pleased with my answer he nodded and hugged me tight. I sighed and tried to reach my phone in my pocket. Who would have thought that Mr.Byun would be this clingy under the influence of alcohol?

The taxi-drive was awkward. Baekhyun was even more clingy inside the car in the backseat, and it didn't help that the taxi-driver had commented on how lucky Baekhyun was for having such a gentleman for a boyfriend. The worst part was when Baekhyun just laughed and grabbed my cheeks.

"I know right! He's such a handsome, nice boyfriend. My Chanyeolliii!"

Luckily I managed to get an address out of the drunkard. Thank god he didn't have to go to my place. I don't think I could have controlled myself at home with this drunken flirt.

Baekhyun snuggled even closer to me in the backseat. I had completely given up trying to push him off me. He nearly cried when I tried to the first time and a clingy Baekhyun was better than a crying Baekhyun.

"You smell so good." He mumbled into my neck. I shuddered at his voice, who suddenly had gotten darker. I didn't reply and continued to look out of the window. Ignoring him started to get easy, until I felt something wet on my neck. Was that his tongue?!

He started to prepper my neck with small kisses and I let out a surprised gasp. I could feel his smile against my neck, him being pleased with my reaction.

"M-Mr.Byun!" I stuttered and tried to move away.

He shushed me and caressed my jaw with his hand.

"Do you know why I never take my dates home?" he smirked and proceeded to kiss me right at my soft spot under my jaw. It was hard not letting out any moans.

"N-no" I gasped. This was bad, I started to get aroused.

"Because they look like shit compared to the sexy waiter that works there." He said and nibbled at my earlobe with his teeth.

"We have arrived, sir." a voice broke me out of Baekhyun's grasp.

I quickly found from the money and gave them to the flustered taxi-driver. I was about to take off Baekhyun's seatbelt when I noticed the brown haired male was no longer in sight.

"Thank you for the ride." I gave the taxi-driver an awkward smile and stepped out of the car quickly.

Where the hell was he now?

"Chanyeoooollii" a cry caught my ears and I turned around. There he was, hanging over the little fence. His right foot was stuck in an unlucky, now broken, flowerpot. His trousers had ripped up on his left leg and he was pouting again. Tears started to form in his eyes, and he looked more like a little child than the grownup man he was.

I sighed and somehow managed to take him down from the fence. There wasn't anything to do about his now ruined suit. Not to mention his shoe who was covered in dirt. Baekhyun pouted and threw his arms around my neck again.


"I feel bad, Chanyeol."

His sad voice surprised me and I looked down at his face. Tears were quietly running down his cheeks and I wiped them quickly away.

"I feel sick." He mumbled and before I could say anything he threw up his whole dinner on my shoes.


Shitty Blind Dates (Chanbaek/Baekyeol)Where stories live. Discover now