Chapter One

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I watch, numb, as the casket is lowered into the earth. It is a wet, rainy day, and it breaks my heart to think my beloved Gracie is about to be placed in the mud. I want nothing more than to trade places with her. I have never felt more alone in my life; and I had been an orphan as a child. I try to hide the agony which is bellowing inside my chest. I need to be strong, strong for my kids, strong for my grandkids. The last pile of dirt is dumped on my Gracie as the funeral comes to an end.

I feel a hand squeeze my shoulder. I look over to find my eldest son, John. I pat his hand, letting him know that I will be okay... someday.

"Come on, Pop." John instructs as he begins to lead me away from Gracie's grave. Back to his house I presume. I had been in a sort of daze the past couple of days, trying my hardest to deal with Gracie's passing, although failing miserably. I thought I had heard one of my kids talk about having a small reception at John's house after the funeral. Just what I needed. I try to push this thought out of my mind. I feel guilty for feeling alone, as I have a huge family in which I should be entirely grateful for. Which I am, though without Gracie around... I feared nothing would ever be the same.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. People in and out of John's house, saying how sorry they were for my loss, as if any of this made it any easier to cope. I sat still in the big comfortable arm chair that sat off to the side of the living room. Nodding my head as strangers, and family members offered their condolences. Soon though, everything seemed to die down. I was left with just my children, and their children. I was thankful for that. Being a father, and a grandfather was some of the best experiences I had ever been blessed enough to live through. However, being a husband; that is what I had lived for.

"Here daddy." My beautiful youngest daughter, Candace offers me a smoke. I smile at her, as she lights the end of my cigar. Normally my daughter in law, Margarette, would complain about smoking in the house, but today she doesn't seem to care, as she and John sit hand in hand on the couch across from me. I allow my gaze to fall across the entire room. The couch is crowded, with John, Margarette, my middle son Henry, his wife Samantha, and my other daughter Ashleigh. Ashleigh's husband stands behind the couch massaging her shoulders. Candace's husband William had been working out of the country and was unable to join us today. We all knew he wanted to be there. Gracie had meant a great deal to everyone in the family.

On the floor in front of the couch sits my grandchildren. Marcus, and Sheldon; John and Margarette's boys. Esther, and Charley; Henry and Samantha's children. Eric; Candace's boy. And the youngest was sweet little Haleigh, Ashleigh's daughter who was just about to turn ten.

Everyone seemed to have puffy red eyes, and no one was saying a word. That is until Haleigh spoke up.

"Grampy?" She asked sweetly.

"Hmm?" I manage in return. I hadn't talked much these past couple days, and I feel everyones' eyes turn to me as I muster out some kind of noise.

"Grampy, will you tell the story of how you and Grammy Grace met?" The little squirt had heard this story a thousand times from her grandmother. I normally sat back and listened to the melody in Gracie's voice as she told it, I wasn't sure I could describe all the details in which Grace had once used to tell this story.

"Not today Haleigh." Ashleigh speaks up. I watch as Haleigh's eyes fall in sadness to the floor.

"I will try." I manage. Where do I start?

*Alright, so I know this is really short, but this is my first ever story I've posted on here, so just trying to get a feel for it. Tell me what you think... Following chapters will be much longer! I promise.*

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