3. Christmas Break

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Before I knew it, it was already Christmas break. Time flew by quicker than I expected here at Hogwarts. Hermione and I instantly became best friends after our first potions class together. When she nearly got killed by the troll, it only brought us, Ron, and Harry closer together as friends.

Hermione and I realized that we worked brilliantly together; it almost scared Ron and Harry. Most of the time, we spent our days in the library finishing up projects and getting ahead on lessons.

They became my three best friends, who were all in the same house, Gryffindor. Sometimes it made me feel a little bit lonely at times, being the only Slytherin. It also put me in an awkward position as they didn't like many Slytherins. 

Draco Malfoy and I got on the last name basis. When he saw me around, I'd be addressed as Trails and I would call him Malfoy. The only reason as to why he took a disliking to me was my choice of friends. He always acted more rude towards me when I was with Harry, Ron, or Hermione. When I was alone, we'd at least be peaceful with one another, mainly just for our parents. 

I had a disliking to Malfoy as well, but it wasn't the same dislike that my three Gryffindor friends had. In fact, they probably despised him.

Malfoy and Harry had this hateful and bitter relationship which made Ron, Hermione and I hate Malfoy more. We always sided with Harry. Besides, Malfoy had no good reason to bother them. I always heard Malfoy talk about each of my best friends every time I came back to the common room. It began to get annoying, but each time I kind of just shrugged it off.

Hermione had left for Christmas break, leaving Ron, Harry, and me to try and figure out as much as we could about the Philosophers Stone which we found out from Hagrid, who had his guard dog, Fluffy to guard it on the Fourth Floor.

People began to notice me further in the year when they found out that I hung out with three Gryffindors. Even my two roommates asked me all the time why I had to be friends with 'Granger' and that I should think twice the next time I talk to 'Potter'. I honestly couldn't care less of Pansy's and Millicent's opinions because they weren't exactly my friends.

I barely wrote to my parents as well, but that was kind of expected. I never had a close relationship with my parents. They kept me in the dark when I asked questions about certain things, but I wanted to pry and understand the wizarding world. They wanted to keep me out of it for some reason, so at an early age, I learnt to just give up in asking them for help. And ever since, I've become much more distant with them.

I only wrote one letter to them, which was about what house I got in. They replied saying that they were proud, but my parents were forever occupied with the ministry, and school began to get busier, therefore I rarely wrote to them.

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