37. Mudblood

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Months kept passing by quickly. Nothing exciting occurred, making my life boring. 'Boring but safe', according to Draco. He was doing well at Hogwarts, or at least as well as you could be; being one of the Carrows students.

In my spare time, I would create potions with the ingredients I found in Aunt Myra's cupboards. I mastered the Drowsiness Potion, Drought of Living Death, and Draught of Peace.

Lately, I've been sending Krogee to get ingredients for Felix Felicis, one of the more complicated potions to brew. For the past four times of attempting to brew it, I haven't been close.

I ground up the Occamy eggshell and added it to the potion. This was just as far as I've gotten for the past month. Over time, I learned that the eggshell was brittle and had to be put into the potion once bubbling.

"Yes!" I exclaimed jovially as I praised the Wizarding Gods that the potion didn't blow up in my face.

I began humming a joyful tune and continued to the next step. The recipe read,

6. Stir slowly then heat the cauldron.

Easy, I thought. I followed the instructions and slowly stirred the cauldron.

My happiness bubble popped when I heard a loud thud. I stopped humming and my focus on the potion was gone. My paranoia strikes each time I hear a peculiar noise.

I jumped at the sound of its voice, "Miss Juliette! Krogee has come to warn you! You must come with me!" The house-elf barged into the room at random.

"Krogee, I thought we made a deal. You aren't supposed to scare me like that!" I shrieked.

"This is important! Juliette's friends are in trouble!" He grabbed my arm as if he were insisting for me to leave.

I tugged back, "Woah-woah-woah! Krogee, you know I'm not allowed to leave Aunt Myra's. Why don't you ask her? Is it Draco?" I couldn't think of who he was talking about.

"No, it is not Mr. Malfoy. It is Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Miss Granger!"

I stood there blank for a few seconds then caught myself in a daze. "Whatever it is, I'm sure they'll figure their way out. They always do. It's not the first time that they've been inches from death. Why do you need my help, Krogee?" I said angrily. They didn't want my help, the last time I tried, I was kicked out of the group. Anyway, if they found their way into trouble, there was always a way out for them three, at least.

"Juliette must not stay! She must go! Juliette wants to do the right thing, yes? She must save her friends from trouble! They need her!"

I sighed, "They aren't my friends. The last time I checked, they were doing well on their own."

Krogee looked at me frustratedly and crossed his arms. "Bad things are about to happen. If Juliette does not go, they shall become worse, especially at the Malfoy Manor."

"What do you mean? It shouldn't have anything to do with Draco. He's at Hogwarts."

"It is Easter, Miss Juliette. Mr. Malfoy was sent home for the holidays. Terrible things will happen if Juliette is not there to stop it."

I frowned, "Krogee, how did you find out about all of this? What can I do?" I said, giving in to the house-elf.

A small smile crept onto Krogee's face, "There are lots that Miss Juliette can do, it's just whether or not she chooses to act," he grinned again, then offered his hand to me.

I glared at the house-elf. "You really are just as stubborn and mean as you were when I met you," I stated. I reached out and took his hand.

He Apparated me to this small, cramped-up, dark room. It wasn't even a room. The space was so enclosed, I had to crouch down.

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