◾ 05 ◾ EVENT

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Hell week is over!


Feeling the brush of fresh air in my face, I stretched my tired arms. Exam week has ended, and it felt like a thousand years have passed.

I was devouring the refreshing soft gush of wind in my skin when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

It's Key.

"Are you going home already?" he asked right after he got connected. "Do you want to have dinner with me first?"

"Hmmm. Okay. But where?"

"Just somewhere," he replied. "Stay right where you are. I'll get you."

"Oh, okay, if you know where I am that is."

He chuckled. "Turn around."

I did as I was told, and there I saw Key standing with a handsome smirk while holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey pretty! Flowers for you," he chirped, walking in big strides towards me.

I looked around and saw the crowd of students, obviously sticking their noses in my business. It's not like it's my first time experiencing this, but I get awkward whenever I get extra attention.

Wanting to hide from the enormous eyes that were on us, I grabbed Key's hands and pulled him to where his car was parked. He opened the door for me and placed the flowers on the back seat.

After settling himself in his seat, he leaned towards me, and by instinct I froze, only to realize that he was just trying to help me with the seat belt. My stupidity got the best of me.

When I blushed, I heard him laugh so I gave him a frown.

"What's funny?"

"Nothing," he replied.

He looked at me through the mirror and smiled. "You are cute when you blush, has anyone told you yet?"

That comment made me blush even more.

He chuckled again. "Stop being cute," he said. "Don't make me fall harder for you, I beg you."


He held my hand without a warning, making my heartbeat increase 'till I almost had a heart attack.

"Dara, you do know how I feel towards you. Right?" He said, looking straight into my eyes.

"Sort of." I replied, shrugging like it was nothing when in fact I almost melted under his gaze. "But, when did it start?"

"I don't know. I just realized one day that I wanted to be with you more often than our usual meet ups and chilling out. There's this really weird emptiness in my chest whenever you are not around."

'Too bad. I know exactly when I started liking you Key', I thought.


I was waiting for Key and Woohyun at our usual rendezvous when I heard noises outside. Taking a look, I saw Key and Minho talking seriously. Eavesdropping was bad, I know, but I couldn't help it. They were just in a fair distance from me.

"How could she cheat on me? I loved her!" Key complained. He was talking about Goo Hara I guess, his girlfriend then.

"Talk to her first bro. Don't assume things. Listen to her side first." Minho softly said, being careful not to worsen the situation.

Destiny's Ways | Infinite Woohyun [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now