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Sun rays are coming from the window, and it blinded me when I tried to open my eyes. My head is aching so bad. I wonder how much alcohol I drank last night.

"Good morning sleepy head!"

Who's that? I looked around my room to look for the one who spoke a while ago. My eyes fell to the curtains where I saw a human form. Dara? Am I seeing things now? I can't clearly see the face because of the blinding sunlight but I'm sure that's Dara.

I closed my eyes, and opened it again hoping to see more clearly.

She laughed. "Pabo, do you think I'm a ghost?" She dived in my bed and strangled my neck. "Ireona eoh? Ireona! It's already noon! I'm dying of hunger now." She said in a half scream, half aegyo voice.

"Why are you here? When did you get here?" I asked while trying to remove her hands from my neck. Hell! We are in an awkward position right now.

I heard her tsk.

"Just how much alcohol did you have last night?" She asked.

That's exactly what I asked myself too.

I repeated my question, hoping to get an answer this time, because I barely remember anything from last night. "So why are you here and when did you get here?"

"You dorks went to a bar last night and drank the hell out of yourselves. Sungjong called me over to drive, like what the hell, right?" And she blew off the hair strands fallen in her forehead. She's annoyed.

"Oh? I don't really remember. So how did you end up here?" I asked, still feeling sleepy.

"How am I supposed to take all of them to each of their homes?" She raised one of her eyebrows. "Besides, your mom said we should just spend the night here."

"Mom did? Oh right, where are other guys?"

"They're still asleep. Your mom and dad have left already. I felt so hungry, but I don't trust the skills of the other 6, so I barged in here."

"You should have just asked the maids to cook." I said, lying in bed again and putting a pillow in my face. But then, I heard her growling stomach.

I forced myself to get up, while she stayed staring at me with those puppy eyes. She knows that really works on me. And it did. I picked up a pillow and thrown it in her face. She giggled. Ahh.. So cute.

After I washed my face and brushed my teeth, we went together to the kitchen to make something to eat. I was like a walking robot, and she was literally pulling me while clinging into my arms.

"What do you want to eat?"


"You woke me up just to cook ramen?"

She nodded and smiled sheepishly.

While cooking, I barely talked because I'm not really in the mood. I still feel sleepy. But judging from how loud her stomach growled awhile ago, she must be really hungry. I couldn't say no.

I looked at her only to see her comfortably seated in the dining table, with her head faced down. She must be sleeping. I smiled at the mere sight of here. It's very rare to see her these days. She always spends time with her boyfriend that's why.

I heard another growl. I looked back at her and found her staring at my back while pouting, her hands on her chin. "Is it not done yet?"

"It's done. Just a sec.."

After serving her the hot ramen, I seated in front of her and carefully watched her eat.

"Hmmmm.. Your ramen is still the best!" She said showing a thumbs up to me.

Destiny's Ways | Infinite Woohyun [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now