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I opened my eyes as I hear my mother shouting her throat out but I immediately closed it back as the ray of the sun from the open window of my room greeted it.


My mom shouted again. Arrrggghh... She's making a lot of fuss early in the morning.

"Okay... Okay... Why are you waking me up so early? We have no class!" I whined while getting up from bed.

My room's door suddenly opened and from it, my mom entered.

"What do you mean you have no class? God, it's Monday!"
My mom left the room after yelling at me.

What? Monday? Class? O_o
I took my phone and check the date.

And, God... August 15??? O_o

How come?!!! I clearly remember myself writing an essay about how should I spend my summer vacation!!!

Still confused, I got up and started preparing to go to school cause if I don't,  my mom will transform into a dragon. She'll spit fire on me.

As I wear my school uniform, I kinda feel weird.

I touched my name tag at the breast pocket.  Kim Yana. I looked at myself in the mirror.  I am studying at SOPA (Seoul School of Performing Arts).

I suddenly remember myself hoping that one day I'll study in this school-- But,  why am I hoping for it when I'm already studying here?! Really odd.

I just shook my head and went out.

"Bye,  Mom!  Dad!" After I kissed them in the cheek,  I grabbed an umbrella and went out.  But,  I got surprised by what I saw!

"Why are you bringing an umbrella?  It's not raining." My sister said out of nowhere.

She's right.  The ground is so dry!  There's no trace of rain. Odd...  The last thing I heard last night is the sound of rain pouring like it will never stop. How come it's all dry now?

"It didn't rain last night?" I asked my sister who is still looking at me weirdly.

"Yes. It didn't rain last night." She shrugged her shoulder after saying that to me and went to the kitchen.

I heaved a deep sigh and for the second time around,  I just shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.  I just left my umbrella and started walking to school.

The class is so boring. Our teacher is just discussing on and on. So sleepy.

I lower my head and slowly relaxed before finally sleeping.

While my eyes are still close,  I heard a sound of pouring rain.  It's raining.  I left my umbrella!  Grrr...
While I am still scolding myself for leaving my umbrella,  the school bell rang.  I immediately got up. Out teacher already left. My eyes went to the window and the rays of the sun greeted it.  It was raining! Or,  is it just my dream?

I just grabbed my bag and left the room.

After I got my food,  I sat on a table for two and eat there alone.  I'm not a nerd.  I just don't have close friends nor best friend.

I am scrolling on my phone while eating.  Finding any updates about my husband,  Taeyongie!!!

I feel like my eyes formed into a heart when I saw a picture of him. I immediately saved it. Fangirl's job!

After eating,  I went to the school garden and sat in a bench. I plugged my earphones and listened to NCT's songs.

I suddenly remembered myself mourning for not being able to see them in person cause I'm not in South Korea... -Wait,  what?!

Where else did I go?  I can't remember living in other country...  Weird.

But,  did I meet them already?  I can't remember anything about meeting them though... What's happening to me?!

I stood up and went to my room when there's only 10 minutes left before the classes start. While I'm walking in the hallway,  I heard a loud strike of thunder.  I covered my ears and closed my eyes quickly. Damn,  I'm afraid of thunders!!!

Seconds after,  I opened my eyes and found some students glancing at me like I'm so weird while they are walking.  They didn't hear the thunder?

I put my hands down and went to our room half-running.

It is really odd. It's not raining but I heard a sound of a pouring rain?  Then,  earlier I heard a strike of thunder when actually there's none!!!

My thoughts stopped when our subject teacher entered.  She started discussing immediately.  Here we go again...  But to stop myself from thinking about those weird stuff,  I just listened to her discussion.

School is so tiring.  I am walking alone now and is headed to our house but I saw a store selling KPOP merchs! I told myself to save but I can't endure it!

I went inside and started browsing.  I saw a poster of Taeyong.  Why is he so handsome? As expected,  I bought it. For now I'll just buy this one only.  I need to save more money.

Being a fangirl is just really easy if you have lots of money .... but it's happier if your idols know you.

I am smiling widely while holding the poster when I went out of the store but it disappeared when the rain started to fall.  Now,  for real. What a good way to ruin my night?  I love rain but why does it always fall at a wrong time?!
I don't have an umbrella!

It is already late and I need to go home before my Dad reports to the police!

While I was standing there,  the rain continued to pour harder. I can't stand it anymore.  I put the poster inside my bag.

"Taeyong Oppa,  I love you so much and I can't let you get drenched by the rain. I'll just run verryyyy fast so you won't get soak inside there.  Arraseo?"

People might think I'm crazy if they saw me.  I'm talking to a poster!!!

But!  I think I turned really crazy when a guy approached me and realized who it is!

"You're protecting the poster? If you're planning on just running to your home while the rain is pouring hard,  I can't let it happen. Also,  I have an umbrella.  I can accompany you."

I know that voice really well.  The guy in front of me is wearing a long black coat,  a black cap and a black mask but it didn't cover the only thing that reminds me that he's real.

The scar near his eyes.

"O-op-- Oppa... " I stuttered.  I merely uttered the word.  I can't believe that the guy that my heart always longed is in front of me.

To The Moon: Escaping RealityWhere stories live. Discover now