Chapter 18

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I sank against the door once I got into my room. My spinning thought were interrupted by my cell phone ringing. I quickly shuffled and took out my phone and saw Dillon's name on the screen.

"Shit Dillon I'm so sorry," I said as soon as I answered it.

His response was hesitant, "If you don't want to, I totally understand."

I was actually starting to get really tired of his lack of self-confidence, but knowing what had happened to him, I couldn't help but learn to like it. "No, no, just give me 5 minutes, I actually have something to tell you." I hung up and ran around my room getting my stuff together and ran out the door.


I got down to the slopes and found Dillon talking to some girl, but when he saw me, he immediately dismissed what she was saying and came over to me. He engulfed me in a hug and as I hugged back, I saw the girl he had been talking to standing with her arms crossed and her mouth in a tight line. When he let go, I smiled up at him, "Sorry I must've fallen back asleep after you c-'

"YOU SLUT" Her voice could break glass.

I closed my eyes, knowing exactly where she was going with this. I shut my eyes as hard as possible hoping this would all go away when I felt Dillon place his hands on my shoulders as his lips came close to my ears, "Is that Alex?"

I nodded my head but she didn't stop there, "EVER SINCE MATT DIED YOU THINK YOU CAN GO SLUT AROUND! HE WOULD'VE NEVER EVEN GONE TO THAT PARTY IF YOU HADN'T BE SO DAMN CONTROLLING." Bingo, she didn't need to say anything else. Dillon's hands dropped from my shoulders. I opened my eyes and turned around, watching Dillon make his way off of the slopes. I didn't bother looking back to Alex, instead I chased him off the slopes.

"Dillon, wait," I was exasperated from all the running and my panting was extremely unattractive but I couldn't care less, I needed to set things straight with Dillon.

He stopped and spun around. "How long have you known?"

I opened my mouth to answer him but he cut me off, "I knew you looked familiar, but I dismissd it after I got to know you on the trail, I thought that you would be the type of girl to be honest with someone."

I tried to explain myself, I really did, but he kept goinig, "God Kylie, I knew you had to be her, but I kept my mind open because.."

I swallowed the lump in my throat, "Because what?"

"Because I actually liked you!" I closed my eyes and winced at his shouting. "Did you think you could make up for what your boyfriend did by dating me?? Is that what this is all about?!"

"Excuse you?!" I snapped my head up and tried to read the expression off of his face.

I watched as he sunk down against the wall behind him until he was sitting on the floor with his head in his hands. "I- How do I know you're not just doing this because you're trying to make-up for what Matthew did?" He sounded like he was on the verge of tears which choked me up a little bit.

I closed my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair. "Dillon..."

He looked up at me with glossy eyes. I stared into them I felt a physical pain radiate from my heart. But I had to tell him, and this past encounter had made everything more clear.

"I can't- I don't think we should see each other anymore, Dillon," I choked out the words. Dying of each moment of silence that followed. So again I was the one to break the silence, "I obviously remind you too much of the past, and I'll never get over the awkward feeling that I get when I'm around you, knowing about that night."

I heard a deep sob escape his lips as he nodded his head, "I thought I could move on, I wanted to move on."

We looked at each other for a moment. I knew I should go; I bent down to kiss his forehead and then walked away. I briefly looked back to see Dillon watching me. I gave him a smile and a small wave before stepping into the elevator.

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