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ALEXIS found herself laying in a hospital bed, covered in rough sheets and wearing a gown that hardly covered her ass. She heard the continuous sound of the machines, her heart at a steady pace. A needle was found deep in her skin, sending fluids throughout her body to help her recover faster.

The girl remembered exactly how she ended up here, even thinking about it, her heart rate quickened.

Doors closing and nurses running could be heard from Alexis's room, even announcing over the intercom for a Dr. Harris to get to the operating room.

Lex slowly took in the rest of her surroundings, noticing roses on the nightstand and a blue balloon which said "Get well soon!" in beautiful font. She knew right off the bat that those were from Brianna and Kelly, and even a teddy bear from Norman.

Alexis was pulled from her thoughts when there was a knock on her door, she could smell that familiar scent of In N Out just outside her door.

"Thank god Bri, I'm starving." Slowly sitting up in the bed, she saw the door open slowly. However when the person she was expecting didn't step inside, she started panicking again.

"L-Lance..." The brunette was at a loss for words as the gold medalist stood just a few feet away from her.

"I uh, brought some food for you." He took a step closer to her and handed Alexis the bag of food. She couldn't even muster a 'thank you,' she was still nervous.

"How are you feeling?" Taking the contents out of the bag Alexis unwrapped her burger and took a bite. Her brown eyes looked up to meet his blue one, and he was already staring at her.

"How do you think I'm feeling?"

"Probably like shit." Lance said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Alexis did feel like shit though, not because fluids were helping her recover, but because of the night before.

The room was filled with silence, nobody spoke. Alexis just ate her lunch and Lance watched her, making sure she would be okay. Then all of a sudden Alexis spoke.

"Can you please leave now?" Lance was shocked, he just brought her food out of the kindness of his heart, and now she wants him to leave?


"Because I want you to fucking get out of here, get out of my life!" Alexis then threw the rest of her burger at Lance, ketchup and mustard staining his shirt. He stood up abruptly and tried removing the red and yellow from his white shirt.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"You know exactly what that was for you asshole!" Tears were starting to form in her eyes as she continued throwing things at Lance. It might now have been the best solution, but then again this was all his fault, right?

"What? What is it that I did?!"

"My brother, my brother is dead okay!" There was silence again from the both of them, Lance was shocked, and Alexis was just feeling pure rage.


"My brother Derek is dead, he died six years ago in Afghanistan from an explosion at the base he was stationed at!" She quickly wiped her tears away and continued on.

"He was a lieutenant, having already served a tour in the Army and he left for his second the day after Hope broke things off with Derek."

Lance was still silent.

"He died a month later, still in love with her. Do you want to know the worst part?"

Lance's eyes were full of sorrow, and he bit the inside of his cheek.

"I was on the phone with him when it happened, we were talking about some damn baseball game and that he promised me to take me to a Red Sox game as soon as he got home. I-I heard the explosion, then silence, then the phone going dead."

Taking a deep breath she tried to calm down, but she couldn't. The heart monitors were racing like crazy and she was sure she would have another panic attack.

"They found his body a month later-" She paused, closing her eyes and biting her lip. Everything played back in her mind like she was back there again, at the funeral, saying goodbye, and that being the worst day of her life.

"W-W-We couldn't even do an open casket!" Alexis barely spat out as she continued to sob.

Lance felt like shit now, even worse than shit. He knew that Hope had gone to far yet he did nothing to stop her. Now here was Alexis, sitting in a hospital bed because of a panic attack she had, and it was all there fault.

"Lex, I-I'm so sorry. If I had known...we wouldn't have done it!"

"That's the thing, you don't care about other people Lance! You only care about yourself and you don't care who gets hurt in the process."

Lance knew that what she said was true, but would he admit that? No.

"I really am sorry Lex, if I could I would take it back-" Then his face was met with a chocolate shake from In N Out, something else he had gotten for her. His face was covered with it all and  he immediately stopped talking.

"Get the fuck out."

When he didn't move, that only pissed her off more.


So Lance left in a hurry, making sure to slam the door shut. Alexis continued to cry, and she didn't stop. All of that pent up anger and sadness was being unleashed, all because of one guy.

Lance Tucker would remember that moment for the rest of his life, and he will always regret his actions.


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