Swimming Pools

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Soon they were both swimming around splashing water like little children. 'Those were the days,' Coley reminisced (though not out loud), the days when Sonya was just her friend and she didn't have to be constantly crushing her feelings toward her in an attempt to have a normal friendship. It makes it so damn hard to have any interaction with her friend when her brain is always going 'SHE'S SO CUTE LOOK AT THE WAY SHE JUST LOOKED AT YOU OMG SHE TOUCHED YOUR ARM SEND HELP'

Coley playfully sprayed water at Sonya before Trenton sent a cascade of water over them as he cannonballed into the pool and started lifting his girlfriend onto his shoulders, she obliged but Coley couldn't help but notice her facial expression - one of boredom and slight annoyance as he tossed her around. Trenton soon got bored himself and left the pool to sunbathe.

Sonya pushed herself onto the side of the pool while Coley lay down next to her and they talked about this and that, what they were gonna do with the rest of their summer.

Coley had remembered Sonya's expression from before and had the sudden urge to ask her friend:

"Hey Son, do you love Trenton?"

"Sure I do, what makes you say that C?"

"I dunno it's just..." Coley trailed off and sat up sharply when she noticed Trenton sleepily looking over at them then stumbling into the house.

"What were you gonna say?" Sonya looked puzzled.

"I... Um... It doesn't matter, it was nothing." Her confidence from before diminished when she thought that Trenton might have been listening in. She was probably over thinking it anyway.

Sonya looked distracted for flash before smiling and saying,

"Fine then, let's go get ready for this party, we can talk while you're painting my nails, you know how bad I am at it" she grinned and offered a hand to Coley who took it.

Sonya didn't let go until they reached her house and saw Trenton lounging inside where she immediately let go. It wasn't a long walk from the pool to her house but holding her friend's hand she felt so whole and fulfilled and immediately yearned to hold her once again but Trenton got in the way. 'Damn it why is she even with him? No. No, she loves him right?' She argued in her head and settled with 'whatever.'

tell me, girls like girls like boys do. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now