Not Quite...

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Today the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and little bugs are playing in the air. The weather threatens to be near 70 today and the world keeps spinning. How far off its axis since yesterday? I don't know but that wobble is effectively being felt throughout the world today.

It's the day after.

Some of us are waking up with a sour taste in our mouths from the night before, wishing to heaven that hell had kept its doors locked. And some of us are trying our absolute best to get on with the rest of life – there is more living to do, while we have a chance to do it anyway. The one man wrecking crew that resides in D.C. will have to take a backseat for now. But I think we know what Rorschach knows up there and many of us are asking – Did it happen yet? Is it here?

Trumpifer is here.

But I need to focus...

That can't be all I think about today. Last night was pretty rough. It was like a light switch went off in my head and everything that was shielded by the dark suddenly rushed forward into the light. Yes, the election happened and yes Trump one but it wasn't until the images of the inauguration that everything felt so finalized. That man is actually president.

Not mine...mine left office with so much dignity and grace. So much awesome and swag that I cried a little. But it makes me feel good that he and his family will be doing normal family things without all the hoopla. He and his family are where we are now – citizens in an imperfect world, riding out the worst but also – doing our bit to effect change in the lives in this world. The 44th president is truly going to be missed. But he hasn't gone forever – he still has a direct line to the White House and can still give his thoughts and advice to the presiding president. Let's hope that there is at least enough common sense in the man for him to take note and listen.

So that can't be all I think about today. No, today has to be filled with enjoyable things. I actually sat down to write a letter to Barry (Barack) lol. But the words I wanted to say wouldn't come. There was just a lot of begging and pleading for him to use his super powers to rid the earth of evil, starting with the White House. No...I'll wait. Now what I want to do is write a letter to each and every president that ever was but that would require history homework and Ty wasn't all that great at history, I did okay but a scholar I am not. I'll think on it – I could possibly just write letters to the former president and the ones after him – maybe even find the confidence to send them and see what happens...I know for sure that I am on the FBI watch list – that one search I did about a year ago probably did it, so there won't be any invites to the White House LOL. I don't think I'd go anyway.

No no...that would be bad. All bad. I don't like him and I imagine he smells like old cabbage, sardines, and sulfur. I could be wrong. So know meets with it. (Yes, I said It.) But that letter writing thing may still happen. We'll see. I can see that actually being a nice project to work on. I could invite others to write letters to the presidents as well. We'll see.

Right now, I am going to do the things that make me happy today. And one of my favorite things in the entire world is reading comic books and graphic novels. I'm always looking for new ones to get my hands on and lose myself in. My secret ambition is to write a graphic novel. skills as an artist are quite rusty. I haven't drawn a thing in over four years and that's a terrible shame. I tried last night. I wanted to draw a political cartoon about the worst wedding of the United States. It wasn't very good so I scrapped it. I may try again later today. Maybe there's still a bit of artistic magic left in me yet. My daughter seems to think so. She says I'm just out of practice. Could be, I used to be prolific with art and wanted to use any medium I could find. Somewhere along the way, I switched gears – I picked up a pencil for a different reason and haven't put it down since. So I'll try later.

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