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Nightshade P.O.V
The floorboards freaked under my weight as I slipped into the old barn house that she had last ran into, this was my favorite part, the chase. I wandered around, even though I knew exactly where she was.
"Alice," I called out in a soft creepy tone, " I know your in here Alice, if you come out I will make it a lot less painful for you." I lied, my voice bouncing off of the walls coming from nowhere, and everywhere. Finally I went to the open section of the barn, to finish her off. Light flooded from the broken window paine, and I could hear a collection of insects buzzing outside. I strolled in to see Alice on the floor.... dead. I walked over, and squatted down and saw that her neck had been slashed, and a smile carved into her face. Blood dyed her blonde hair that lay splayed around her. I ran my fingers through her stained hair, and asked " who did this to you my dear Alice?" Behind me I heard a floorboard behind me creak. I imagined the height and weight of the person behind me, based on the sound of the creak. I slipped my hand into my black almost knee high boots, and pulled out a black knife tipped in dark black nightshade poison. In one motion I lifted myself off of a squat and onto my feet, launching the knife from my fingers to the wall. I heard a surprised gasp, and I looked behind me to see a man, no, a boy on his butt, on the floor. With his hat thing pinned up on the wall. He boy wore a light green tunic, and black tights. He had olive skin, with red blood crying from his eyes. He had blond hair, that was combed in no particular direction, from his blond ear poked out a pointed elf ear. From his outfit and looks, except the tears, looked like a character from a game I used to play... but that doesn't matter.
" Did you kill my dear Alice?" I asked in a mocking tone.
" Not me" he said sneering "Him." Behind me I heard a knife being drawn, just as the attacker was getting ready to plunge the knife into my heart, I called to Smiles, my husky whose lips curled around his teeth into a smile, in my mind. I heard his feet come running down the hall. Smiles launched off of his hind legs, and tackled the attacker behind me.
" Corner him" I commanded Smiles. Smiles barked back at me, and turned back to the attacker, snarling and growling in his face, until the attacker butt scooted until his back was to the corner. " Weapon" I commanded again, and within a matter of seconds, after some wrestling, I heard I yelp that came from the attacker, I looked over, and saw that the attacker had a bite, that went nearly to the bone. The knife in which the attacker was holding dropped to the ground, and Smiles pushed the knife towards me with his snout.
" Good boy" I said fishing in my pocket for a treat to give him. Finally I pulled out a still bloody human finger from my pocket, and threw it to Smiles, who happily caught it in his mouth, and swallowed it. I looked over to the boy who had been watching dumbfounded the whole time. I reached above him and pulled the knife out of the wall, and the hat came tumbling down to slouch on the boys head. His expression went from surprise to anger as he fixed his hat on top of his head to a comfortable position. His eyes narrowed, and his lips curled into a sneer. I ignored his attempts to be threatening, and instead whispered I to his ears
" You know, the Nightshade berry is one of the most poisonous plants in the world," I whispered pushing my knife against his neck, not hard enough to draw blood, but hard enough to cause pain. "Able to kill someone within a matter of hours" I whispered unit his ear again, drawing back and taking my blade off of his neck. Suddenly something crossed my mind,
" Oh yeah..." I said out loud "Slenderman takes in mutts now." I sneered.
"WERE NOT MUTTS!!!" The one Smiles was cornering yelled at me.
"CALL US MUTTS AGAIN, AND I SWEAR WE WILL..." The boy in front of me yelled
" Or you'll what" I asked "Unleash your little boy band on me?" I snarled. " No, we'll do this" he said smiling. Suddenly I heard Smiles yelp, and I felt a strong blow to the side of my head, the world spun for a second, before going black.

I got up, brushing the dust off of myself, to see the girl lay there unconscious in front of me, and the dog that had been guarding Jeff knocked out as well. I then looked up form the floor to see Toby practically having steam blowing out of his ears. He stormed over to me and yelled
" WHAT w-WERE YOU TWO T- THINKING?" He slapped me. I was about to retaliate, but Jeff stepped between up and said "Chill Toby, we were just going on a hunting trip when were heard some screams, and decided to check it out?!" Toby still looked ready to kill someone right about now.
L-LEAVING..." I signed ignoring him, and picking up the girl, pitting her over my shoulder to carry her, and motioned to Jeff to get the dog. " Let's be back to the mansion before they wake up I said over Toby's "WHAT IF SHE KILLED YOU?"

I was in my old house's back yard,the sun shine bright, as I maneuvered myself up the oak tree that overlooked our yard. I looked over at my blue house and picked out my window, then looking over into the yard. I saw my dad playing football with my sister, and my mom hunched over by the fence, tending to the flowers in the garden that stretches along the length of the fence. I enjoyed the scene for a moment before remembering, this isn't real. My mom, my dad, my sister, they are all dead, this isn't real.

Toby entered the mansion first, storming up the stairs into his room, then Jeff, with the dog on his shoulder carried it down stairs to put in a cage, then me with the girl over my shoulder, everyone looked when I came in, and I heard murmurs of WHOS THAT, and WHAT HAPPENED being tossed around the crowd. I pushed through the congregated people, thinking what are we going to do with them? I laid her on the couch and stepped back to look at her, she actually looked beautiful, I admired her in her black leather jacket, and black boots and skinny jeans. She had tan skin, and blood was tearing from her eyes, like mine, except it was black blood. She had short black hair, that didn't go past her shoulders, and was combed over one eye. He last thing I noticed was her ears, they were pointed like mine... Slenderman then entered the room, took in the scene for a moment, then sighed and asked "Who did this?" Everyone in the room pointed to me and Jeff. "WHAT?" We both asked at the same time to see Slenderman looking at us with a "really", or at least I thought that would be the face he would have on, if he could express emotinos, on his blank face. After we explained what happened Slenderman told us to take all of her weapons away. Overall she had four knifes on her, one in each black almost knee high boots, and another in each back jean pocket, a vile of dark purple liquid, and a long bow wrapped around her body, the sting in her front and the handle in the back, as well as a bag of arrows. All of her weapons were black bladded, and tipped in that dark purple liquid, only solidified. I heard someone say "She's waking up" in a hushed tone. I walked over to see her eyes shoot open, I then noticed that her one eye was all black with a small dark purple iris, and her other eye was covered up, she got up off of the couch, searching her pockets for her knifes, not finding then she reached for her bow, in which she found absent too. "WHERE. ARE. MY. WEAPONS?" She demanded frantically. She saw them over on the counter by the kitchen, she looked at us, then at her knife and raced over to the kitchen counter. Masky rushed to stop her, by putting his body in between her and the counter, but not soon enough, cause the knife was still in reach, she grabbed the knife, stabbed Masky in the back of the leg, he crumpled to the floor as she gathered her stuff. She madly glanced at us and ran out the door into the forest. Meanwhile EJ ran up to Masky, yelling
" QUICK HER KNIFE WAS TIPPED IN NIGHTSHADE POISON IF WE DON'T STOP IT FROM SPREADING, IT COULD KILL HIM WITHIN A MATTER OF HOURS" I turned to see her disappear into the dark night, past the trees. I was not going to let her get away with this. She messed with my family, now it's my turn.

I ran and ran until my legs burned, and I stumbled onto the ground. I had to put miles and miles between that wretched mansion!!! I collapsed onto a tree, and put my legs in front of me with my back to the trunk of the tree. Something crossed my mind, Smiles, they wouldn't have left him at the farm house, and I'm pretty sure all they did was tranq him. In the fight dark I cried out "GOD DAMNIT" the dark echoed back in an ominous call, repeating me.

Thank you everyone, I know that this chapter probably sucked, so thank you soooooo much for reading this far!!!! Expect future updates. Will Nightshade go back for her dog? What will the people at the mansion do about Nightshade? Read updates to find out!!!! Bi bi now!!!

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