I need to kill.

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The urge to kill was washing over me and tumbling me around like a wave.  The urge was so strong that I couldn't resist anymore, I trekked into a nearby small town eager to get my rage out by feeling someone's warm blood dripping over my fingers. I imagined tearing my victims throat open with my nails, choking them on their own blood. I entered the town of Souter, a small run down village that had a meager population of 1,502. The sun was just starting to set in the horizon, and dusk washed over the land creating a perfect environment to kill and escape without being caught. I entered a small blue house on the outskirts through a small bathroom window. I settled my weight on the laminate floorboards. I journeyed through the house until finding a little girl in her room holding a teddy bear, she was crying. Where clear tears were supposed to be was instead blood. I stumbled back as she ran up to me and hugged me, her arms wrapped around my waist, and she buried her face in my jacket, stifling her sobs. I slowly pried her off of my waist and lowered myself down to her level, and held her hand asking her "what happened to you doll?" She looked at me and I first noticed her eyes were bright green that seemed like they would have once held innocence, and love. She shook her head and turned away biting her lip. " okay...." I said "what's his name?" I asked pointing to the bear in her arms "it's a she" she said correcting my mistake " her name is Ally" she said running her hand down the bears head.  I wasn't sure what to ask her next so instead I told her hand "look, I have something I need to do, can you stay here for a little while longer, I will be back before the next dusk!" I promised her "you promise?" She asked her green eyes searching mine, I was tempted to lie, but something about the way she looked at me reminded me almost of myself. I couldn't leave her like they left me. I answered her by wrapping my pinkie around hers and smiling as gentle as I could.

I left the house hesitantly hoping that she would be okay. Then I realized that I never asked her name. I still needed to kill. I walked to another house hoping that it wasn't  another stray that I would be adopting. I entered the small house that was the neighbor to the little girls. Inside I found a group of teens cluttered in a small room with the lights turned off. I walked around the the edge of the room, careful to stay in the shadows. I saw that they were trying to do a satanic summoning spell. There was a pentagram on the floor drawn with salt, and candles on every tip of the it. I laughed as they held hands chanting a "spell" to allow a demon into their home. Overall their was four teens, one boy and three girls. Perfect. They wanted a demon? Here I am. I walk behind a teen girl with long blonde hair, and my knife on her neck, she gasped. I ran the knife over her neck, with the dull side. I then walked over to the door and closed it, blocking out all light. They screamed frantically trying to get out, to find an exit to the impending danger that was also inevitable. I of course could see perfectly in the dark, so I strolled over to the same blonde, and grabbed her by her hair throwing her to the ground , spattering blood on ground beneath me. I then picked her up by her hair again and whispered in her ear "we've only just begun." then slit her throat with my nails, her skin ripping slowly, she gasped and took her last breath in my arms. I licked my fingers clean of her blood, looking up to the dark room asking " Who's next?"

I killed all of the teens, with no feeling but satisfaction and want for more blood and death caused by me, but not shortly before hearing the police sirens in the distance
"Fuck" I said

The police got close, and I tried to run, but cars drive faster than I can run. One officer shot my foot, making me stumble and fall. It was at this point when my vision blurred, and the last thing I saw was a silhouette of a police leaning over my shaking his head. I wanted to rip his head off, see how well he could shake it then.

Ben's P.O.V.
I grew curious when she didn't return later that night for her dog, she could have easily stormed into the mansion demanding her dog, and we would hold her hostage, blah blah blah, honestly I really just wanted to kill her, with no remorse whatsoever. She is lucky that Masky would heal. If he didn't she would have taken her last breath a while ago. I really don't like Masky but that much, but he is still family, that means more then anything. When she didn't come for another two days, Slenderman went looking for some answers. Slenderman came back a day later with a emotionless face as usual, considering he had no eyes, or a mouth, or a face. He disappeared into his office and later called Jeff and I into it. We looked at each other, raised our eyebrows, shrugged our shoulders, and walked in. "Sup?" Jeff asked as we entered through the door frame. "Since you two got the whole family into the mess, I figured it would only be necessary that you two got us out of this mess as well." He said, with once again, no expression, and still no face. "Okay...?" I asked with question in my voice. "Nightshade is in jail, I need you two to get her out." He without looking at nothing, which makes sense due to the no eyes situation. But yet still not breaking eye contact. (**authors note: I need to stop commenting on the lack of expression in Slendermans face!😂**) "So how do expect us to do this?" Jeff asked siting upright in a chair he had been slouching in earlier "that is not my problem to figure out, but you better figure it out soon, she is being  sentenced to death by Friday." He said with total coolness, (still no face or expression!)  "Friday is only two days away, how are we supposed to do this?" I asked surprised. "You'll figure it out" he said shoeing us out of the room with one of his many tentacles.

My flower. Ben Drowned X NightshadeWhere stories live. Discover now