Alexander Zverev

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This one was requested by hp_5sos_lover and evelyn_1012. Hope this is a good one and you like it. ❤️

Knock knock knock. I nervously fiddled with my necklaces as I waited for Alexander to open the door. This was only our second date and I was so anxious, I really liked him, I just hope he likes me back. Soon, a beaming Alexander opened the door and invited me in, his smile showing off his perfect teeth.

"Hey Y/N!"

He said excitedly as I walked into his home, he planted a soft kiss on my cheek that seemed to linger for a while.

"Hey Alex."
"So, for our second date, I was thinking something a little bit different."

I gave him a confused look, what did he mean?

"Tell me, Y/N, do you like marshmallows?"
"Alex, is that even a question?"

I replied with mock sarcasm. We both chuckled, he led me to his living room and there, laid out on a picnic blanket in front of his fireplace was a tonne of marshmallows. How weird!

"Alex, what have you planned?"
"Well, I thought, as I'm so busy on tour and everyone has such huge expectations of me, I needed time to, as stupid as it sounds, be a child again, you know? Roast marshmallows like I used to."
"Aww, Alex that is the sweetest thing ever. I'm so down for this."

We settled in front of the toasty fire, skewering our marshmallows and watching as they turned a delicious, caramel brown colour. Alex stuffed about seven of them into his mouth all at once.

"Mmmm, those are good."

I giggled at him, he was so goofy! I ate one too, sinking my teeth into the delicious, squidgy marshmallow. Alex leant in closer.

"Um, Y/N you've got something here."

And I suddenly felt a kiss on my lips. He gave me a cheeky smile and I stared into his sapphire blue eyes, lost in the emotions held behind them. Pretty soon, we had devoured all the marshmallows on the plate and were feeling really full. So we resorted to cuddling in front of the fire, leaning against each other. I felt Alex's toned arms embracing me, and I leant into him, feeling his chest move up and down with each breath. I put my head on his chest, hearing his steady, even heartbeat. I felt a pair of soft lips placing kisses on my forehead and it gave me shivers, when I was around him I felt safe and calm. We stayed there for a while until Alex looked into my eyes and said:

"Will you come upstairs with me?"

I bit my lip and nodded, taking his hand as he led me to his bedroom. He invited me to sit down.

"Wait a second, I'm gonna go get some things."

He left the room for a while and I took the opportunity fix my hair, I was strangely nervous, it was only our second date after all. He soon returned with a colossal pile of...pillows?

"Alex, what are these for?"
"We're gonna build a fort!"

I couldn't believe this, he really was a child at heart. And there I was expecting - never mind. We made ourselves comfortable on his bed and began to pile the pillows up, it collapsed a few times and Alex appeared frustrated, sticking his bottom lip out in a sulky pout. Supportively, I ran my hand through his blond locks and forced his mouth into a smile, he giggled and we continued. Who knew building a fort out of pillows and blankets was such a feat of engineering? We laughed at each other as we talked and built. I told him about my obsession with tennis, how many times I'd supported him and yelled his name at the TV. He told me about how lonely he gets on the tour with only a few of the younger players as his only really good friends and they were often pitted against each other in tournaments anyway. I felt sorry for him, he must get so bored.

"Okay, the fort is built. Now I'm gonna go stand over there and you have to defend the fort. I'm gonna throw cushions at you."

I was ready, steely determination taking over me. I climbed into the fort and almost immediately the assault started. Cushions were launched at me and I tried to throw them back, aiming for Alex's face so that he was disorientated enough to stop the assault. Honestly, that was the most fun I'd had in ages! Alex didn't stop there, the cushions kept coming and soon, my fort had been destroyed. Alex jumped into the collapsed pile of pillows burying me and dug me out, kissing me as he lifted me into his arms.

"This has got to be the strangest and best date I've ever had."

I told him, giggling as he kissed my neck.

"Let's do it again sometime, my angel."

Author's note: Alright that one was kind of short but sweet right? I hope you liked that, leave comments on who I should write about next and spread the word about my imagines/one shots. ❤️

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