I'm a Fisherwood

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{ Carries POV } { present day }

I can't believe Mike planned a surprise trip for us to the Bahamas . We boarded the plane . I can't believe just a few years ago I was boarding a plane for the first time ever to go to Hollywood and I was scared . Of course now I was used to flying . It was actually kind of fun and relaxing .

Mike took my bags and put them with his above our seat . He grabbed my hand . " Carrie I'm so happy we could do this . I think we both needed the vacation " Mike said leaning in to kiss me . He was right . This was going to be perfect , plus the was our one year anniversary . " The timing couldn't have been more perfect " I agreed . I settled into my seat .

BAM BAM BAM whoever was behind me was kicking my seat . I turned around and two flawless pool blue eyes were staring back at me . " H- h- hi mrs. Underwood . I'm sorry I was just trying to get comfortable I'll stop " she quickly said . " Thank you " I said turning back around. A few seconds later somebody was tapping my shoulder . I turned around . " Could you sign this " the little girl asked me handing me a napkin . " Sure I'd be delighted , and who is this for " I asked . " My name is Alyson spelt A-L-Y-S-O-N "she said slowly for me . I wrote ' Have an amazing time on your vacation Alyson - Love Carrie Underwood ' , " Here and I have something in my bag for you " I said . Her face light up even brighter . I reached up into my computer bag and pulled out a signed copy of my album Blown Away . " Here you go Alyson " I said . Her jaw dropped and she sat in awe for a second . " Thank you " she finally managed to choke out . She was so cute . I turned around and looked out the window . " You okay " Mike said looking at me with big doe eyes . " Yeah fine I was just thinking " I said . " About what " Mike asked with concern thick in his voice . " About us and our future " I said leaning my head on his shoulder . He moved the hair from my face and began to rub my cheek with his thumb . " Babe don't you worry your pretty little mind " he said . He was right . Things would happen as God willed .

{ Alyson POV } { present day }

I talked to Carrie Underwood . I mean I had a conversation with one of the biggest women in country music history ! And I'm only seven . This was any girl from Kansas's dream . I just wish my dad was in happier spirits . We left on a bad note . Mama lost the baby and Daddy lost Mama . I lost Mama and a baby sister . I just couldn't wait to be on the beach relaxing . I looked over . Daddy was passed out and still reaked of alcohol . Alcohol was usually how Daddy coped so this was no different . I just wished he didn't drink . That's when the red lights came on .


Authors notes ; Hey guys so I'm starting a fan fic ! Tell me how it is and what changes I can make . Thanks for reading ~ Haylee 🌸

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