The Crash ; Part two ~ I Promise

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{ Carries POV } { present day }

I opened my eyes . The plane had crashed . I looked over at Mike how was conscious and getting up and then looked down at Alyson . Her body was limp in my arms . I carefully moved her over . Mike and I pulled out our phones . His was shattered and mine was at fifty percent battery . Thank God for airplane mode . I turned off airplane mode and dialed 911 . Mike took the phone while I pressed my fingers against her wrist . No pulse . This couldn't happen . I started doing chest compressions . Mike went back in to retrieve any other survivors . He came back with a girl that looked to be about nineteen . It felt like we sat in the plane forever till I heard the sirens . They came over . " Are you her parents " a man asked us . " No but we don't think her dad survived and were the only other people she knew " I said with tears running down my face . " She'll have to be flown out to Baltimore " he said . He glanced at me then turned back around and looked intensely . " You're Carrie Underwood " he said a bit shocked . " Yes I am , could we ride in the helicopter with Alyson " I asked still griping her hand . " Yes of course " he said leading the way for Mike and I . Mike grabbed my hand . " Carrie we will all make it through I promise " he says then kisses my cheek . We got on the helicopter and took off . " What did you stay the girls name was again Mrs . Underwood " the medic asked . " Alyson spelled A-L-Y-S-O-N " I said finding myself mocking her . I looked down at her and he perfect red curls laying loosely in her face . I brushed them off . Mike looked at me . " You really care about Alyson " he asked/stated . " Yes , she's like a daughter to me even though I just met her " I said . " Well " Mike started " why don't we make her our daughter " Mike says " that is if she has no able next of kin " he says . I smile from ear to ear . " Really " I exclaim ! I can't believe it . " But wait . We're not married " I say . " well that's the thing , I was going to surprise you by proposing to you in the Bahamas ." He says . I couldn't hold it back . I jumped into Mikes lap and kissed him more passionately than I had ever kissed him . I had the two most perfect things in the world . Mike and Alyson .

{ Mikes POV } { present day }

She said yes . She really said yes . Now I have a daughter -Lord willing- and the most amazing wife I could have ever asked for . I was the luckiest man alive and that was saying a lot since I just got in a plane crash . But I survived ! I am truly blessed .

{ Carries POV } { present day }

The medic turned around . " She's losing blood in her stomach and she's having heart palpitations , she will be rushed straight into surgery " he says . That's when I noticed how cold the air was that was whipping into the helicopter . We were in Baltimore and Alyson would live . I know she would .

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